Fake It Until You Make It

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Blake’s POV

Life has been moving pretty slowly for the past week. I have been stuck in bed and the only people I ever talk to or see are Justin, Pattie, Scooter with business, and the beloved Vampire Diaries cast. I believe I have watched every episode at least 3 times. But today, Justin was taking me to the doctor’s office and hopefully I would get the ok to actually be able to get out of bed. My body aches have stopped, the bruises are starting to go away, and my cuts are just scabs now. With a little bit of makeup to cover my shrinking black eye, I looked like any normal person. I was the object of millions of teen girls hate, paparazzi’s news, and Justin Bieber’s love. Yep, completely normal. Can you sense the sarcasm?

After taking a very long and cold shower, I blew dried my hair and clipped back some of the hair that framed my face. Then I slipped into myslouchy t-shirt and skirt.

I looked at myself in the mirror. My brown hair looked effortlessly messy. My clothes were cute and carefree. Then you got to my face. My lip still looked busted, but a little bit of lip gloss would do the trick. I grabbed my concealer out of my makeup bag and got to work covering my eye and the bruise around it. The world didn’t need to know that I had a black eye.

I went into my closet to grab a bag and my flats. After grabbing my phone and throwing my bag over my shoulder, I made my way to the vanity and got my bracelet before walking to Justin’s door.

“Justin?” I knocked quietly. I heard shuffling and then he opened the door and smiled at me.

“Ready?” he asked, cheerfully. Almost too cheerfully.

“Yeah, if you are.” I responded timidly.

“Let’s go!” He cheered. “Oh, before I forget, we have a meeting with Scooter after the appointment.” Justin added with a knowing smile as we walked to his Range Rover in the garage. By the way Justin was acting; I could tell that he knows something that I don’t.

“Ok, do you know what it’s about?” I asked.

“Nope.” He responded quickly. Almost too quickly.

When we arrived at the doctor’s office, Justin found a spot in the waiting room while I signed in at the desk. The lady told me to head back to the room where the doctor would see me. I walked through the hallways until finding the room and sitting down on the chair for the patient.

After a few moments, a knock came from outside before a young man walked in.

“Hello, my name is Dr. Roberts.” The man said with a dazzling smile. Not gonna lie, he was hot.

“Blake, nice to meet you.” I said while shaking his hand and sitting up in the chair a little bit more.

“Pleasure is all mine. According to my records, you took quite the beating a week ago, correct?” he said while flipping through the pages of my information.

“Yes, that’s correct.” I responded.

“Well, I’m very sorry to hear that. It’s a shame that things like that happen to such pretty girls. I take it you have been doing ok since then?”

“I haven’t really done much since then, so-“ I trailed off.

“That is a good thing Blake! You’re body needs time to heal itself!” he said while standing up to grab the blood pressure measuring thing. “Since you lost a lot of blood, you are going to have to watch what you eat and how much activity you are doing for a while.” He told me while attaching it to my arm. I nodded to tell him I understood.

He pressed a button and it started squeezing my arm until it finally released. Dr. Roberts wrote something down in his folder before turning to me with a smile. “Your blood pressure is a little low, but it’s manageable. You will have to eat very healthy for the time being.”

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