After Math

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Justin’s POV

@BlakeAuburn: officially a Yale Bulldog!

I didn’t exactly know what emotion I was feeling at the exact moment that I read Blake’s newest tweet. It was a mixture of rage, hurt, anger, humiliation, brokenness, and love coursing through my veins.

“What’s going on?” Scooter asked since he was standing near me and had just gotten the tweet too. “Did something happen?”

I didn’t know how to reply, so I didn’t. I walked away from him and went to sit down on a couch. Blake was going to Yale and she decided to tell me through a tweet? This didn’t seem fair. It didn’t seem fair that she was leaving me either. She was supposed to love me so much that she would come with me on my tour and support me.

Then again, she was still thinking of our whole ‘relationship’ as a job. Can I even call this whole thing a relationship? I mean, I have grown to love her with all of my heart. And I am completely honest when I say that I love her and I am IN love with her.

She says that she loves me too. But I don’t get it. If she loved me, she wouldn’t have accepted the money. Or she would have at least told me!

I guess she needs the money, since she doesn’t have any family anymore. But I could give her any money she needs or wants. I just don’t understand why she was taking the money still! She must not really love me.

Ok, I know that’s not true. She loves me, and I love her. There must be some reason. If only she would tell me. That’s it; I will just get her to tell me why she did it!

Wait, she hates me at the moment.

“Fuck!” I said to myself.

I suppose she has a right to be mad at me. I did agree to a world tour to get back at her and make her angry. But she semi did the same thing with Yale.

“Bro, you have to go give a speech about your album!” Scooter said, breaking me from my argument I was having with myself.

“Yeah man, ok.” I said, standing up and following him to the stage.

I gave my speech and stayed the rest of the night until it was time to go. Kenny walked me and my mom out and drove us home. Of course the paparazzi asked where Blake was, but we just ignored them.

“Justin, are you going to be ok by yourself for the week?” my mom asked when we were close to home.

“Yeah, Blake and I will be fine. If we need anything, we can call Kenny or something.” I responded absentmindedly. She was leaving for Canada for a week to visit her parents. I would go with, but Scooter told me I couldn’t when I agreed to the tour. Apparently, we have to start right away with preparations.

“Alright. And whatever happened between the two of you, I hope it works out. Blake can be stubborn, but I know she loves you. Just remember that.” she said when we pulled into the driveway. I got out and helped her put her bags into the trunk and said my goodbyes. Then Kenny drove off with her towards the airport. I sighed and walked through the front door.

The house was silent, but I saw a light from upstairs. I ran up the stairs, two at a time, and found where the light was coming from. It was Blake’s room, so I opened the door slowly.

Blake was sitting, changed into some pajamas, at her window sill.

“Hey.” I said, not knowing what else to say. She didn’t respond. She just continued looking out the window. “Are you going to say anything?” I asked while feeling myself get more and more frustrated and angry.

“I’m not paid to talk to you, just pretend to date you in public. Isn’t that right Justin?” she snapped harshly. Her comment stung, but I shot one right back.

“Yeah, you have it easy here. I don’t get paid for dating you.” I said as disgusted as I could. It was no small task though and I bit my tongue from keeping me from apologizing for my comment.

“Like it’s so bad! Your album sales have skyrocketed ever since I came around!” she yelled, finally turning to look at me.

“I would rather they wouldn’t, then you would be fired and away from me!” I yelled right back.

“In a few months, you won’t have to deal with me anymore.” she said while standing up and walking towards her bed.

“Yeah, you’re going to Yale.” I said with a fake excitement.

“I am.” She shouted proudly.

“Yeah, and you didn’t even ask me!” I screamed at her.

“Excuse me?” she said, her voice suddenly quiet.

“You didn’t ask if you could go!” I yelled. I could feel the veins popping out of my neck.

“You’re a jerk.” She said, her body seeming to shrink. I knew that this meant she was about to cry. I even saw the tears spring to her eyes but she clenched her jaw and fists to keep them from falling down her cheeks.

“Well you’re a bitch! You can’t just do things like that!” I screamed. I was so angry and confused that I didn’t realize what I was saying or doing.

“It’s not your decision!” she screamed back.

“I think I have a say in it!” I screamed in her face while taking a step closer to her. I was now hovering over her trembling body.

“IT’S MY LIFE!” she yelled so loud that her face turned red. She pushed my chest so hard that I stumbled back a few feet. I shot her one last hateful look and turned my back to walk out of her room. I stomped across the hall to my room and slammed the door shut. Her door was slammed shut seconds after mine.

“Shit.” I said to myself before turning and punching the wall as hard as I could. The stinging in my hand hit me instantly and I put my back against the wall as I slid down it.

What did I just do?


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