College Life

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Blake’s POV


The wheels of my suitcase rolled against the hard floor of the airport as I walked towards the exit. The strap on my large purse was falling down my arm and I was having trouble holding it up. But I only had a few more feet until the warm New Haven, Connecticut air hit me. I stopped on the sidewalk and waited for a cab to pull up. When one did, the driver got out of the front seat to help me with my bag. All of my other stuff was shipped this week and should have arrived yesterday at my new apartment. I already did all of my furniture shopping too, so my apartment should be completely ready, other than clothes and stuff.

I told the cab driver my new address and we were on our way. It was about a 20 minute drive until we passed Yale University’s campus then turned down a street and came up to my apartment building.

I paid the man and got my stuff before walking into the building. I went straight to the reception desk and did all of the necessary legal things. When I got my key, I made my way up to the 6th floor, where my room was, and searched the halls until I found my room.

I’ll admit, the apartment was way too big for one person. But hey, Justin will be visiting and maybe even living here when his tour is done. And I had the money, why not spend it?

I dropped my bags at the door and walked around the apartment. Each room had labeled boxes stacked up with things that belonged in the rooms. The family room was perfect. The kitchen was nice too. Pattie took it upon herself to design the whole thing and with a kitchen like this; I would have to learn how to actually cook. Next was the master bedroom, which was probably one of my favorite rooms. The bed was huge, a request from me when ordering furniture. Connected to the bedroom were a bathroom and a huge closet. I needed the big closet because there were about 20 boxes, full of shoes and clothes.

I made my way back downstairs and grabbed my suitcase to drag it up to my new room. When I had made it up the stairs, I heard a knock on my door. I rushed down the stairs to see who it was.

“Hi!” A girl said cheerfully when I opened the door.

“Hey!” I responded.

“My name is Hazel, and this is my boyfriend Chase. We live across the hall and thought we would stop by to say welcome!” the girl said with a smile.

“Oh, yeah, come on in. I’m Blake!” I said, stepping away from the door so they could walk in. I walked them to the kitchen and Chase took a seat on a bar stool by the high counter.

“Sorry about the pie, we expected someone a bit older.” Hazel said while sitting down and handing me the pie.

“Oh, it’s fine.” I responded with a smile to be polite.

“How old are you?” she asked curiously.

“I’m 18, I’ll be starting at Yale this year.” I replied.

“No way! Chase and I are going there too! My dad just didn’t want us living in the dirty dorms so he bought us our apartment!” Hazel said with excitement.

“What are the odds?” I asked with a laugh.

“You look extremely familiar.” Chase noted while staring at me. “What did you say your last name was again?” he asked.

“Auburn.” I replied sheepishly.

“Wait, are you Blake Auburn?” Hazel asked, sitting up in her seat a little.

“Yeah, that’s me.” I said, blushing. I knew that they were catching on to why I looked so familiar.

“Oh my god, you have like, the hottest boyfriend on the planet!” she shrieked.

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