Fragile: Handle With Care

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Blake’s POV

My eyelids fluttered open and an empty hospital room came into view. I was alone and attached to machines by various medical wires. One of the machines started beeping and a nurse entered the room almost immediately.

“Oh good, you’re awake. How did you sleep? You feeling ok?” she asked with a smile on her face.

“Where is everyone?” I asked groggily, my voice still raspy from sleeping.

“The people in the waiting room went home, I assume. But that cute boy went down to the cafeteria to get some breakfast. He should be up soon.” She explained while checking the stitches on my face. She then pressed some buttons on her computer and checked the other machines before leaving. I sunk back into the uncomfortable bed in pain. The cuts and bruises had all fully shown up and stung my skin as if it was being ripped off. My entire torso was throbbing and I had an aching pain on my left side, where my lung was partially collapsed. My wrists were hot to the touch from the rope burns. But my upper legs and below my waist was the most painful of all. The pounding pain was a constant reminder that Brian got his way with me yesterday.

A single tear ran down my face and I let it fall until it fell to my chest. A few more fell and I made no effort to stop them. I didn’t stop them when I heard the door open. I glanced over towards the door and saw Justin’s smiling face. His face instantly fell when he saw the wet streaks running down my cheeks.

“Blake, is everything ok?” he asked while walking to the side of my bed. I thought about what my response should be for a few seconds.

“Yes.” I croaked out as more tears spilled out of my overflowing eyes. Justin knew I was lying and grasped my hand while taking his free hand to wipe away a few tears that were spilling down my face. His hand barely touched my cheeks because he know how badly cut and bruised they were.

“Everything is going to be ok.” Justin whispered into my hair while holding my trembling body lightly. I wanted to believe him. I wanted to believe everything he said. But I couldn’t. I couldn’t bring myself to believe him. There was something inside of me that wouldn’t let me believe him.

“You don’t know that!” I nearly yelled while pushing his body away from mine. He stumbled back from the force of the push. I winced in pain the second I used any of my strength. Justin collected himself and slowly walked back to my side to try to comfort me and the pain I was in for using too much strength.

“It’s ok Blake. It’s ok to be upset about this.” Justin said softly, making sure I wouldn’t lash out again.

“It’s not ok! I’m supposed to be strong! I have to!” I yelled through my tears which were now running faster out of my eyes.

“No, you don’t. It’s alright.” Justin whispered with pleading eyes.

“NO!” I screamed at the top of my lungs. A searing pain shot up my throat and I started gaging and gasping for air. An alarm sounded through the room and a doctor and nurse ran into my room. Justin must have known what was happening because he stepped aside without being told to. He stood away from the madness and watched with pain in his eyes.

The doctor began pressing buttons on a machine while the nurse attached a breathing tube to my face. A flow of oxygen came through my nose when he machine whizzed to life. After the doctor pressed some more buttons, he shouted something at the nurse who then ran out of the room. Seconds later, she came back with a bag of clear liquid and hooked it up to my IV. The doctor inserted it into the tube going into my wrist and started yelling numbers and words that I couldn’t understand to the nurse.

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