Part 7: pretty please?

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You grab your car keys and stepped into the car. Slamming the door and driving away as fast as possible.
But you couldn't help but stare at the door. Hoping that Eddie had gone after you. But he wasn't there.

You couldn't go home because your mother would know that you were skipping school.
You drove to a quiet place in the woods and parked your car and got a book out of your school bag to read.

The situation was just so weird.
You put your book down and placed your knees to your body hugging them.
You thought about the fight you had.
At this moment you knew that you had dug your own grave.
There was something, butterflies, tingles for Eddie.

You were almost sure that what you felt for you boyfriend is now gone.
It sucks because you really had loved him. And you didn't want to hurt him.

Time went by slow but it was the end of the day. You had to pick your brother up to bring him home.
You drove back to school standing in the parking lot.

All the boys walked out and Dustin immediately spotted your car. And ran up to you. You saw Eddie just standing and looking into your car.

Dustin walked up to your window signing you to roll it down.
"Y/N! You need to help us." He said screaming as he was out of breath of the sprint that he took to your car.

You looked at him annoyed and asked him with what he needed your help.

"Well, Will." He said shooting a dirty look his way "just canceled out dnd game."
He faked a pout and a fake sob.

"Now we need somebody to fill in or everything will be ruined." He said in the most dramatic way possible.
You didn't want to. You didn't want to go to Eddie's.

"Not today Dusty." He looked dissapointed.
"Come on Y/N, you would be so perfect in out team."

"No Dustin. Im not feeling like it at all."
He started the fake sobbing again.

"You haven't played with me in so long."fake sob. "You hate spending time with me dont you, big sis"

That is when he got you.
"Fine, but i" but before you could finish your sentence he gave the boys a big thumbs up and they all ran up to your car.
They stormed in and started thanking you.
You hated these kids but also loved them so bad.

You were about to start your engine as you saw Eddie walking towards your window.
He stopped and just said.

"It's going to be just dnd. You know the way to my house. Meet you there"
He sounded cold and not all excited that you were coming.
But honestly you weren't that excited either.

Author note:
Two chapters in 1 day because I finally had some time write.
This one is somewhat shorter and a filler to get on with story line.
I don't know when the next one is as I am very busy with exams before summer break :)
I hope you still enjoy reading my story
Love <3


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