Chapter 24: The Start Of Something New Part One

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(Quick announcement. In one of the previous chaps I said that Catra was at her childhood house. In the beginning of this book and in a future book Catra does have an adoptive family but she also has the option to go to her childhood house whenever she needs time to think by herself) Just thought I'd clear that up :)

*ALSO TW: Slight NSFW!!!!*

Chapter 24: The Start Of Something New Part One

Adora's POV:

It was now summer break and Catra would be spending most of the summer with me and my family. Her parents always went on a trip over the entire summer so her and her siblings usually stayed with their grandmother. But this summer she was going to be staying with me, and boy was I excited.

I woke up to the sound of music playing downstairs. I rubbed my eyes and yawned. I sat up and saw that Catra was no longer asleep next to me. I checked the time as I got up. 10:36 AM. I went into my bathroom to see Catra sitting on the counter brushing her teeth.

"Goodmorning!" I said.

"Goodmorning Adora. Someones rather chipper today." She said in a muffled tone.

"Yes, I am. That is because today we are having a pool party."

"Really? Who's coming?" Catra asked after she spit out the toothpaste and rinsed her mouth.

"My grandmother is coming to help my mom grill and cook and me and you get to spend the entire day in the pool." I said smiling to myself.

"Sounds great." Catra smirked and pulled me into a deep, passionate kiss.

"Oops sorry...I forgot...morning breath heh heh...."


It was later and Catra and I were in the pool. A lot of our friends were traveling, going to camps, or had summer jobs so we often just spent the day together. Catra and I were making out...when we heard a voice.

"Ahem, are we interrupting something?" Asked my mom.

"Ahh I knew zat you would find true love dearie!" Exclaimed my grandma.

Catra and I blushed hard as we greeted them.

"Ah and what a beauty she is!"

"Why thank you..."

"Razz, you can call me Razz."

We chatted a bit more. Catra told them about her life and plans for the future and soon it was dinner time.

"Pass zee salad please dearie." Said Razz. "So, are you girls going to be going to the pride festival this weekend?" Asked my mom.

"Of course, and some friends are coming with us too!" Catra then spoke. "I almost forgot but it sounds fun." Dinner was amazing. I've always liked days like this. Yummy grilled food, playing in the pool, fun in the sun, and as of recently, spending time with my girlfriend. It felt so amazing to be able to call her that now.

Catra and I were lying down in my bed trying to go to sleep but neither of us were tired. I played Tomodachi Life on my 3DS while Catra laid along my knees and scrolled through social media. I ran my fingers through her soft, silky hair as I paid attention to my game. I always thought it was quite annoying how only a male and female could be together in this game but it was still fun. Catra put down her phone and turned onto her stomach so that she was now laying in between my legs. I looked up from my game and raised an eyebrow. I then put my legs down so she could scooch up onto my chest.

Still caressing her head, she finally spoke. "Adora...I'm bored." She dragged out 'bored' with a groan.

"What do you want to do?" I asked sincerely.

"Hmm...I don't know...I don't want to go to sleep though..." She seemed to be in deep thought about something.

"Okay, what's on your mind?" I asked.

"Nothing...something...okay you really want to know?" She said indecisively.

"Just tell me." I giggled slightly at the end.

"'re on my mind..." She smiled. I was speechless. I expected her to go on a huge rant about something I smiled back and pulled her into an intense kiss. It was instantaneous. We had kissed many times before but this one was different. It was...ravenous for more. Both of us passionately fighting for dominance. Soon Catra was hovering over me, kissing my neck and jawline, gently biting me here and there. One thing led to another and she made her way down my torso and to my waist. I think I was over-stimulated because I don't think I was even present, I was just existing...with the love of my life.

The taste...I was addicted. I hadn't even realized that by now we were both nearly half naked, only being left in our underwear and bras. I tried my best to stay quiet, knowing that my mother was still awake cleaning up downstairs. But it soon became really difficult...I tried covering my mouth with my hands. Right as Catra was about to slip off my underwear we heard footsteps in the hall. We panicked! She quickly threw a blanket over us and we posed as if we were asleep.

There was a knock at the door before it was opened. "Goodbye dearies, I'll see you again soon..."

"..." Silence.

"Oh come on, I know zat you are not asleep." She said as she turned on the light.

"Grandma...oh I didn't know you were still here..." I said, trying my best to act...but I am a terrible actor.

"Yes yes, and why is zis room such a mess. Your mother would tell you to pick up zeese clothes you know!" She said as she picked up Catra and I's clothes and placed them in the nearby hamper.

"Sorry grandma..."

"Anyways...nice meeting you Catra! Love you both! Bye now."

"Nice meeting you too, heh heh..."

After we heard her footsteps receding, Catra spoke. "Adora, I thought you locked the door!" She whisper-yelled.

"I didn't know that this would happen!" I whisper-yelled back.

" makes it more fun anyway, you know? It gives it a thrill." She smirked.

I lightly, playfully hit her shoulder. "Yeah but I don't want my grandmother of all people walking in on us." I chuckled.

"Yeah and what are you going to do about all of those hickeys?" She asked flirtatiously.

I looked down at my chest and torso. "Catra!" We both began laughing until we couldn't breathe. We laughed so hard that it practically knocked us out for the night. I love that the last thing I heard before falling asleep was her laugh...

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