...Often go awry

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Sarah's heart hammered in her chest as she awoke from her dream, the thumping against her ribcage was painful as she sat bolt upright in her bed. Her sweaty palms clutching at the dark green bedsheets beneath her. A small amount of bile rose in her throat as images flashed through her mind causing her stomach to contract in an unpleasant way as she sat up in her bed. Sarah could hardly register the difference between reality and fantasy as she sat in her bed eyes crinkled shut until the whole world was blocked out.

Having nightmares was something that was not especially pleasant at the best of times but when she was already nervous it didn't exactly help. Though she hardly ever even had nightmares when they did come they were rather nasty. Fortunately for her she never woke up screaming or crying out, so it was not a problem to pretend like it never even happened, at least for those around her. Sarah took a long deep breath in and then exhaled again, allowing calm to fill her body as she reassured herself it was only a dream.

"No, get off me!"

Sarah quickly shook her head, blocking out the woman's chilling screams and getting out of her bed. It was easier to just forget about it, she had a lot to do today and she would not let some stupid nightmare get in the way of the task that lay before her. Distracting the whole of the inquisitorial squad for at least an hour was going to be a pain. Fortunately for her she still had Draco on her side, and getting revenge on Umbridge was now being pushed to the back of her mind.

Sarah flattened her bedsheets back down onto her bed and quickly had a shower and got dressed, she had already got a plan to send the inquisitorial squad off on a little mission, and with a little help from Luna it would be more than easy to make the lot of them very frustrated. With a smile on her face Sarah headed off towards the Ravenclaw common room seeing Cho stood outside and waiting for her.

"Hey, Cho." Sarah waved and walked towards her, she hadn't exactly expected to see her up so early, but it seemed Merlin was in her favour today.

"Sarah, I was hoping to see you. I want to thank you." Cho sent her a small smile and hugged her lightly. "What are you doing here anyway?"

"I need to ask Luna something, could you possibly go get her for me, and ask her for a few copies of the quibbler, if they all haven't been confiscated that is."

"Sure?" Cho nodded, seeming a little confused but she went along with it anyway, going into the common room.

Sarah waited for a while, taking a seat on the cold concrete floor and waiting for Luna and Cho to emerge. As she waited she spaced out a little, her mind recalling the previous night as Draco lay on the sofa in the common room. He seemed too peaceful when he was at rest, it actually made her feel rather guilty for what she was about to make him do, but in the end it was helping out Harry, so needs must. After this she would stop bossing him about, she didn't want to be the kind of asshole who just blackmailed him for the rest of eternity on facts she didn't even know were solid. It made her wonder why Draco even agreed to the deal in the first place, but image was everything to him, and she supposed he would rather not have it destroyed.

The sound of the door swinging open and two girls appearing shook her from her thoughts, her eyes catching the stack of quibblers in Luna's arms.

"Sorry to get you up so early, I just have a favour I need to complete." Sarah smiled at Luna and quickly took the magazines from her, putting the stack neatly on the floor.

"Is this to do with what is going on later?" Luna asked in her usual whimsical tone.

"Yeah, Harry told me about it last night, I will probably see you later, thanks again Luna." Sarah gave a small smile as she watched a somewhat tired looking blonde go back, presumably to her bed. All the while Cho simply looked confused.

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