Just tell me.

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What was she getting herself into? Sarah had always prided herself for sticking to her guns and relying on her better judgement in these situations; so why had she caved and to Malfoy of all the people. Maybe she was under the imperius curse? Okay maybe a little ridiculous but it wouldn't have surprised her all too much. Maybe it was seeing the usually cold Draco on the breaking point? More likely.

Nonetheless she had said she would make it now and whatever his little gathering was about she supposed that it couldn't be too bad anyway. Sarah grabbed her book bag, Draco had just told her where the meeting was and when, that was all. She checked my back pocket for my wand and then swiftly made her way down the corridor, up a set of stairs until she faced a blank wall. Closing her eyes she thought of him. Hearing the soft shift of a door being made she opened her eyes and pushed on the wooden door, making her way into a dark room.

There was the sound of shuffling feet around her and the soft whisper of the word lumos as Draco held out his wand, lighting up her face in the pitch black room. The room of requirement was completely empty apart from Sarah and Draco.

"Will you please tell me what the hell is going on here Malfoy?" She droned as she pulled out my own wand and lit the darkness around her, causing Draco to flinch back from the bright light.

"You know." He sneered under his breath as he took a short step closer to her and held his wand in a tight grip; causing his hand to begin turning white. "You can drop this bullshit of an act." He stated bluntly.

"Excuse me?" Sarah was at a loss, she hadn't the slightest idea what the blonde was talking about. Maybe he really was loosing it or maybe he was just having a really bad mood swing? She slowly exhaled with a loud sigh. "I'm sorry I have no clue why you are on your hormonal raging at the moment blondie, maybe you should explain to me?" She raised an eyebrow and raised her arm to shield her eyes from the bright light of his wand. "And will you put some lights on in here?"

Draco instantly lit up the room with a flick of his wrist and a small glare in her direction. Sarah blinked a few times to adjust to the sudden change in lighting, the room had smelt of must and now she knew why.

The room was decorated with old books that were stacked high up to the ceiling, that along with all of the other seemingly out of place items that were scattered about the enormous room. The space was crowded with so many things Sarah was quite surprised she had managed to avoid knocking something over when she had came in.

With all her gawking around the room she'd forgotten why she was even there. Draco was about to click his fingers in front of her face when she turned to face him with crossed arms. "So, please explain.."

The anger was evident on the proud pure bloods face as he grabbed her by the wrist, none too friendly, and pulled her down onto one of the sofas laying about.

"Don't play with me. I know you know I'm a.." He trailed off as his anger converted to frustration. His face contorting till his brows were knitted together and his eyes were pinned to the floor.

"I'm sorry... What is so important that you felt the need to corner me and force me into the room of requirement?" Sarah was now feeling frustrated, this was beginning to become a waste of her time and she had studies to be getting on with.

Something suddenly seemed to click and Draco gritted his teeth. "God damn you really are clueless, aren't you?" He snorted with laughter as Sarah glowered at him. What was with that sudden change in attitude? "Never mind, I should have figured you didn't know."

"Oh my God, didn't know what!?" She hissed as Draco rose from his seat. "Draco!" Sarah got up in a huff and began to walk after him, but he was too fast for her, exiting the room before she got chance to even see which way he was going. So Sarah was left rather confused and frustrated. She hated to be left hanging, and of all people by Draco.


A/N I know it's short but I feel like I need to change the chapter to show the time skip for the next part.

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