Picking fights

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I could feel my face drop as Pansy Parkinson sat down with me at the end of our table in the great hall. What a way to start the year, I could feel my stomach lurch at the smell of her obnoxious perfume that seemed to fumigate the whole area around us. I turned to look at her with my face scrunched up so it looked like I was about to vomit, which to be honest if I inhaled some more I probably would.

I was just about to open my mouth to speak when the putrid pansy punched me square in the face. My face stung like a bitch and I could feel hot blood begin to drip from my nose, as a flash of light came from across the room.

I turned away from her an looked across the room towards Colin, the child photographer who had his camera pointed towards us. I could feel the pure white rage coil in the pit of my stomach. I got up, looking down at her as my body quaked in anger. I could smell the metallic sent as I wiped my nose of blood.

And then I blacked out.

Black, darkness, nothing.

Where was I?

I fluttered my eyes open and instantly shut them again. The garish light coming from the buzzing lights above me was enough to make me want to go right back into my slumber. I inevitably failed to do so as a bustling woman came over to me with some water, placing it on a disgustingly sterile table and scuttling off again. It could only be the hospital wing, it was the start of the year and I was already in here? This must have been a record.

I scanned the room for any other signs of life but alas it was for squat. There was nobody else in here besides me and I had a feeling that nobody would really want to take me back to my dorm considering the bright red digital clock showed the numbers 02:42 am. I grouchily sat up pushing the blindingly white bed sheets off me and grabbing the water that had been laid beside me. What a joke. I took a quick sip and decided it would be best if I just slept until the morning and got this stay over and done with. But one thing was plaguing my mind, what exactly had happened with Pansy, I don't really remember anything much after she punched me...


A loud scream awoke me from my somewhat uneven sleep. The bed in the hospital wing had been nowhere near comfortable and I had been constantly trying to find a good place all through the night. I blinked sleepily as I looked for the source of the screaming when I realised what was happening.

A girl was crying at the entrance way of the hospital wing who was being carried by Fred Weasely with George close in toe. What the hell was that all about, I mumbled as I rolled my eyes. Probably some stupid Ravenclaw getting stressed about O.W.L's already. I snorted at the mere idea as I swung my legs around and pushed myself off the bed until my feet landed on the icy tile floor. I could smell the sharp sent of bleach invading my senses and took off almost immediately, there was no way I was sitting in there as the room was sterilised for the 5th time I had been in there. I dashed off down the hallway, hearing the fading voice of madam Pomfrey calling me back for a final check up. I pretended not to hear her as I scuttled off towards the Slytherin common room.

When I finally arrived I paused at the entrance way and scowled, only to realise I didn't know the password. "Fuck." I mumbled as I kicked the wall and sat down with a look of dismay on my face. And then, of all the beings I did not want to see, Peeves came along, seeing my look he let a look of mischief cross his face. He didn't even have to say anything, he just went through the wall effortlessly. At that my temper sky rocketed.

After about 20 minutes of being sat outside of the Slytherin common room I was let in by somebody who was going in. Needless to say I was pretty annoyed at that point and ran off to get ready.


FINALY! It was in the afternoon by the time I was actually ready for my first class of the year. I blissfully made my way down the corridor to the allocated room on my timetable. It was my absolute favourite lesson of the year, DADA and I was not going to miss it for anything and I was doing an O.W.L on it so it certainly would not be ideal for me to miss a lesson. I merrily made my way into the room and took a seat at the front of the class, after all if there was going to be anything interesting I was going to hear about it. I was suddenly awoken from my euphoric state of thinking of the fun things I was going to do in DADA this year by a strange high pitched clearing of the throat.

Stood before me was the vilest outfit I had ever seen. A very pink blind woman- sorry teacher was stood before me with the most fake smile I had ever seen. Everybody seemed to not be phased by her horrific choice of clothing or at least had already seen it, great I had missed something alread. My face dropped to one of dismay as I saw large childish books hovering before me and one being violently dropped before me on my desk. As she started to speak, her voice scratching my ears like the sound of nails scraping against a black board, I stared down at the book. The childish picture and the word 'Basic' was all I needed to see before I knew that this lesson was certainly not going to be any fun.

Hell no. I am not spending the rest of my year like that I thought grumpily to myself as I made my way towards potions class. A scowl decorating my darkened face as I made my way down into the dungeons where my lessons would be taking place. I hoped Snape would be kind to us this year because I certainly wouldn't be able to deal with a boring lesson after that stupid woman's bullshit, Ministry or not I could of hit her in her smug face.

I took a desk near the back of the class room, taking out my new potions book. My hand swept across the cover to remove any visible dirt from my book bag from it as a smiled at it fondly as I took a little parchment from my bag along with an ink well and the quill I had purchased while I had been in Diagon Alley the week before term. It was a rather normal size but had been taken from a Phoenix and was a blazing red colour. I inspected it curiously as the muttering in the class room died down and I looked up to see Snape at the front of the room. 'Time for lesson two', I thought somewhat hopefully, 'please let this be good.'


A few hours later I was sat by the fire in the common room, trying to complete my homework for potions, Snape had decided that a good 17 inch piece about 'The properties and uses of newt's tails.' I looked down at my 13 inches already written and was running dry on ideas, flicking through my book I sighed and decided I could do the last 4 inches tomorrow, I mean it wasn't due just yet so I could relax, at least a little. I rolled up my parchment and put it away along with my supplies and got up.

However just as I spun my head around I saw pansy enter through the portrait hole. It was the first time I had seen her since our fight in the great hall, other Slytherins seemed to sense the tenseness in the air and fell silent. I felt a rather ugly scowl fall across my face, my hand was itching for my wand but before I could make a draw for it I felt another hand close around my wrist.

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