The Golden Trio

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Blaise Zabini's cool hand closed over my wrist as he pulled me lightly away from the harsh stare I was giving to Pansy as she turned back to her friends.

"What are you doing!?" I whispered maliciously towards the tall dark male who had gotten in my way only a few minutes ago. He seemed to be adamant not to respond to me as he shook his head and dipped his head to the left. I swiftly turned to look at whatever he had indicated, spotting cool blue eyes looking in my direction I huffed indignantly. Sitting to the side of the room was Draco, looking all high and mighty; not that this was an unusual spectacle for almost anybody at Hogwarts. A scowl settled on my face as I brushed his hand off my wrist. Clearly the blonde wanted my attention, but I couldn't care less about what he had to say. I turned away from the common room, gave him my middle finger, I could feel a pair of highly trained angry eyes in between my shoulder blades but I didn't really care. I quickly made my way up the stairs to my dorm, swiftly opening the door and shutting it behind me just as fast.

I sighed soft as I flopped down onto the comfort of my bed, pulling the sheets swiftly over my body and drawing the curtains until I was in the dark. I softly whispered 'Lumos' as I took out a small book hidden neatly under the pillow.

I ran my finger tips lightly over the slightly damaged front cover. Even if it was damaged too much I could no longer see the pictures with in it I would still keep it. This was mine and nobody else could have the privilege of owning this album. I smiled down as I turned over the front with extra care and examined the faded pictures with in. The image of a beautiful woman with long flowing hair and a long blue ball gown was dancing with a taller dark haired man who was smiling like he couldn't have been happier anywhere else. They both looked so happy.

Tears softly patted onto the image, resting on the film as the cover was slammed shut and the book was violently shoved under the pillow. 'I will not cry!' I argued with myself as I fought back my emotions with a rough arm coming to wipe the tears that were threatening to hit the bed sheets. 'I am not weak.' I glared at the sheets below as I laid my head down and fell into a dreamless sleep. I guess I hadn't realised how tired I had been.

Consciousness slowly returned to me as I heard the soft beeping sound of one of my friends alarms going off as signal to wake her for the day ahead. I scrunched up my face but sat up in my ruffled bed sheets lay strewn across the mattress. I let out a quiet yawn as I drew back the curtains laying casually around my bed.

Setting to work on my morning routine I was heading down towards the great hall in a matter of minutes, managing to avoid most of my fellow peers as I sat down at the Slytherin table. Unfortunately for me the world seemed to be against me and I felt a soft thud of somebody sitting beside me.

"You're Sarah, right?" Said a somewhat chirpy voice beside me. I narrowed my eyes at the table at the overly happy voice, no Slytherin would sound like that and surely nobody from another house would come talk to a lone Slytherin. I raised my head only to see bright red rose with hair to match. 'Oh no, not a Gryffindor, anybody else, even Malfoy of all people.' I audibly groaned as I looked up properly.

"What do you want, Weasley?" I hissed at the youngest and only female of the Weasley children. I didn't wish to associate with anybody this morning, especially to some fourth year. What did she even want?

"Ah, it's just, I.. Erm." She stumbled over her words as she looked over the green robed girl that was sat rather intimidatingly in front of her. "At the start of term you and that girl, well I just." She continued to stumble over her words as she looked up to finally meet my eyes.

"Spit it out Ginny, I don't have all day!" I growled to the redhead as I put a piece of toast on my plate as people slowly started to drift in. "Besides if you don't leave this table you'll embarrass yourself and me." I hissed lowly as I turned to face her, wondering what the hell she wanted.

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