Heart to heart... Kinda

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Sarah had to walk twice as fast as she normally did to keep up with Draco and the other members of the inquisitorial squad as they lead the members of the D.A. to the class room just new to Umbridges class room. Sarah could see the worried looks on the faces of all of them as they sat down on the seats around the room, in small groups. Cho sat on her own.

All of the members looked over to her with hurt, anger or confusion. Harry, Ron and Hermione had gone off with Umbridge somewhere while everybody else was left under the eyes of the inquisitorial squad. Sarah was sitting on her own, with her knees up against her chest, it seemed comforting to sit like this anyway.

This day could honestly not have gotten too much worse, first she had to leave her boyfriend behind, through no fault of his own, now she hadn't got the D.A and to top that off her best friend had been the one to let them down. Now to make it ten times worse all of the inquisitorial squad were in her house and she was going to be completely destroyed when she got back to her common room. However at that moment in time that wasn't exactly her greatest worry.

Sarah sighed heavily and put her head in her hands. As she hoped that nothing else would happen. Although luck hadn't really been on her side today. 

"Sarah." A soft whimsical voice spoke from beside her. Luna had sat down beside her and had out her arm lightly around her. Luna's arm around her was fairly comforting and it made Sarah feel slightly better. Luna had always been kind to her, Luna had never judged people by their houses like everybody else seemed to do, Sarah included included. She was so carefree, it was relaxing to be around.

"yes?" She acknowledged looking towards her blonde haired friend who looked a little concerned for her. It was at least nice of her to come over, the fact that Harry, Ron and Hermione were not there was a little worrying and had put sarah on edge. It was not that she didn't trust the other members of the D.A, but they had a tendency to get a little nervous. Regardless Luna had come to see her. 

"Are you okay? You know you are always welcome in the Ravenclaw common room." Sarah simply nodded at her, though her invitation was nice she knew that she souldn't really sneak into the Ravenclaws common room. She kind of wished that she could but she doubted she would be able to deal with all the angry glares she would be given by the Ravenclaws anyway, no doubt they would judge her. 

"Thanks for the offer Luna but I think it may be best if I tried to smooth things over with my own house before I try to fix things with anybody else." She said with a polite smile, as she looked pointedly over at the people in her house stood over to the side. Sarah really didn't feel like giving any more reasons for her own house to hate on her at the moment. "I think I'm going to go and get some air." Sarah mumbled, standing and walking over to the door and excusing herself, though Malfoy followed her. Sarah scowled slightly as she walked, she honestly just wanted to be alone so she could try and figure out what she was going to say to the rest of her dorm, let alone house. 

She swiftly walked out of the door and left the stuffy halls behind her, the cool air whipping her face. It stung but right now that was the least of Sarah's worries and it was kind of refreshing to feel the icy winds hitting her face. The dead leaves flew through the air, creating a soft crunching sound in the background as they collided mid air and into the wall. It caused the previously tense female to relax a little as she sat down on the cement surface of the fountain in the courtyard, ignoring the shivers that went up her spine as her bare thighs met with the freezing grey surface.

"What are you doing?" Came a sneering voice from around the corner, there was the blonde, stood with his back against one of the pillars, his eyes glaring daggers at her as she sat in the cold. Draco couldn't understand why Sarah had decided to come out in the freezing cold from the warmth of the school, even if she didn't want to be around them. She sure was stubborn when she wished to be. 

"Why do you care?" She retorted with another question, turning her head away from him, the only reason he was pissed off was because he had to follow her into the cold. Good, she thought to herself maliciously, I hope his body freezes over like his attitude. She didn't care if he did freeze his ass off, it was his fault that she was in trouble in the first place, just being the same asshole he had always been since she met him. 

"It may surprise you to know this but I'm not a total jerk." He stated, leaping to his own defence as if he could read her thoughts, though it was more likely that he just noticed the sour look on her face and guessed. Sarah didn't really believe he had any right to defend himself, especially not when he was such a dick to her anyway. 

Sarah simply turned away from him, her hotheadedness taking over for her, trying desperately to ignore him. It would have been so much easier if he had just left, but instead he walked closer and sat down beside her, looking as if he wished to say something but he simply closed his mouth and sat beside her, realising he was not going to be making any head way. The two of them sat together, looking up at the dark sky, it reminded Sarah of the great hall on the first night she had come to Hogwarts, simply black with little spots of light, but it was still so beautiful. The simplicity of it all was what made it so pretty, but at the same time it was ridiculously complex, the intricacies were amazing. The sky was just beautiful

A moment later she felt a slight weight added to her shoulders, Draco's cloak had been placed over her shoulders, though it was much like her own it smelt of woodland, pine to be specific. Yet he said nothing, he just left it around her shoulders and looked up at the sky. He didn't even seem to be shivering, but it was cold. Sarah bit down on her lower lip and put part of the cloak around him, pulling them closer together as they looked up at the sky. 

"Sorry, Draco."

She genuinely meant it, it wasn't really Draco's fault, she knew the consequences of joining the D.A and besides he was just doing what he thought was right. Sarah really just wanted to forget about the whole day, and it wasn't helping just blaming all of it on the blonde boy, even if she didn't really like him. Though those two words seemed to have Draco smile slightly, not one of those cocky, up-his-own-arse smiles but a nice one, like he actually felt good. There was no retort and some how it seemed to smooth everything over. Maybe they would start again?

"This doesn't mean we're friends though." She said softly with a slight joking tone as the wind brushed through her hair, causing it to wave wildly behind her as she turned to look at him. Her face looking slightly wind battered and worn, it had been a long day and it wasn't even over yet.

"Wouldn't dream of it." He remarked, though it wasn't sarcastic, it held some other emotion, something Sarah could not quite place.

"Of course you wouldn't."

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