The best laid plans of mice and men...

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A/N: God has it been a while, I started on this chapter a while ago, but have been very busy. I am sitting my A2 exams in May and June, so you can guess why I have been on hiatus as of late. However, after the 15th of June I will be free :D so by that point there will be more frequent updates, I promise! To everybody who has commented, or messaged me, thanks for the support, it is really nice to know that people are enjoying the story.

"Draco!" Sarah called, laying back on the sofa in the common room, a mischievous glint in her eye as he approached, looking utterly mortified. It was just so funny to watch Draco respond to her beck and call like a foul tempered snake who was restraining its bite and it was simply too hilarious to resist. As he walked towards her with a scowl on his face, most people averting their gaze in fear, and most trying to muffle their laughs as he walked over with an especially venom filled look. Sarah just smile a sweet smile as he stopped in front of her and gave a tiny bow.

"Yes, My Lady." He spat, though it was just met with a slightly disapproving look from Sarah who clicked her tongue at him as she sat up and pushed her hair over her shoulder before a small smirk replaced the disapproving look. He honestly only made it worse for himself, if he just did what he was told in the first place then she would not have to push him at all.

"Couldn't you be a little more friendly, Draco, honestly, it wasn't like I did it when your little posy was here." She shook her head and held out an envelope for him. "I need you to go and take this to somebody, and before you give me some snotty retort remember our deal." She gave him a smug look as he ripped the note from his hands and stuffed it into his pocket, glaring around the room to kill any of the looks he was getting. "I need you to take that to Harry, please." She smirked as a look of utter rage crossed his face before it was instantly concealed by a cold look and he leaned in close.

"Why do I have to take this, why can't you do it yourself, you know I loath him." Draco hissed under his breath, though there was little need any more, everybody already knew he was doing Sarah favours, though nobody knew why. Many had speculated on what the reason might be, was it to try to gain her affections? Well that had been immediately dismissed, considering the way he carried them out with absolute distaste. Much of the house had bet that it was because Sarah held some dirt over him, which was true, though nobody dared to try and get it out of her, for as soon as they tried to approach they realised a snarling blonde wolf was close nearby and not many wished to mess with a Malfoy. It was well known that it was not a good idea to play with Malfoy on a good day, let alone when he was in a foul mood and his two bull dogs would take you down with haste if the word came.

"Because I say so, and" Sarah leaned closer, so the edge of her lips touched the shell of his ear, her hand resting on one of his shoulders. "I like watching the oh-so-great Draco Malfoy lose his shit." She whispered pulling away instantly and leaning back into the sofa again, a coy smile resting on her face as she watched a slightly dumb struck Draco stand before her, somewhere between confusion and anger. However the confusion was quickly pushed aside in place of a swell of annoyance as he walked away briskly out of the common room and as far away from the red-head as possible. Sarah giggled as she watched the door slam shut. She had been observing the fact that the usually calm and collected young male was slowly becoming more dishevelled as Sarah successfully began to ruin his perfect image, it amused her greatly to see somebody who had been so unkind to her in the past suffer. Her revenge after this task however would be complete, Sarah had no use for him after that other than stupid things that would be much easier to do herself anyway. But she had rather enjoyed watching him run around after her for the past month or so. All good things must come to an end and she had better things to do than to piss off Draco anyway, but he was rather cute when he was mad.

Sarah huffed at her own thoughts, lately she had been thinking of Draco as rather cute, despite his bite he had the potential to be rather caring (If he wanted to). It was frustrating that she found somebody who had ruined the D.A. for her rather charming, attractive and intelligent. Sarah actually found that she had become rather familiar with Draco's more positive points, however much she would like to deny that fact. She let out a long, drawn-out sigh and ran her fingers across the bridge of her nose, rubbing at the dot of pain that was beginning to form from thinking too much about the blasted bastard. Concentrating on him was certainly not doing her any good.

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