Blaise's obsession

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Over the last few days Sarah was becoming more and more aware of a presence following her around the school. Where ever she went she could feel eyes on the back of her head, but when she turned around she could only see a mass of students. She was pretty sure she was paranoid that Pansy was following her because she had worked out it was her who had put the flobberworm in her bed.

This theory however was quickly put to rest when she heard Pansy and Penelope Clearwater taking about the twins and how Pansy would get them back by telling Umbridge they were carrying around puking pastils. Either way Sarah had worked out it wasn't Pansy. Besides she was far too lazy to start stalking her around the school, especially when she had to go out to care of magical creatures.

Anyway, whoever it was, was starting to bug her a little. She kept getting really paranoid and spinning around every so often, only to be met with weird looks from the first years, to which she would roll her eyes at and continue with her day. None the less it was still very frustrating for her, she would get this twitch (it was like a sixth sense) when they were watching her. It was starting to creep her out.

It was a Tuesday afternoon when she finally discovered who was watching her. Sarah had just sat down in potions when she felt the familiar feeling of eyes on the back of her head. This time she would catch then off guard. She was determined. Whoever it was they were in for such a verbal beating from Sarah. 

When she picked up her bag to retrieve her parchment, ink and quill she flicked her eyes backwards to the desk behind her. There was only one person sat at the desk and he was staring right at her. Blaise made eye contact and immediately looked away. Sarah scowled and got up with her things and went and sat beside him. He didn't look best pleased at being caught out by her, in fact a scowl began to cross his face. He didn't look at her once as she took the seat beside him and crossed her arms

By the time Sarah was sat beside him everybody else had taken their seats and he was trapped. Pulling out her things and setting them on the desk with a soft thud when she rounded on him. She didn't exactly expect it to be Blaise but it was still annoying, regardless of who it was. He was going to get what was comming to him.

"What do you think you're doing?" She hissed under her breath as she dipped her quill into her inkwell. She darted her eyes upward to meet with his. "I know you've been following me Zabini don't even try to deny it." Sarah spat as she began to write notes from the board before they began their practical.

Blaze who seemed to have expected the confrontation merely looked away from her. He seemed to believe that if he didn't speak to her then she would stop her questioning.

Sarah was far from done with him. 

For the next two hours (they had a double potions lesson) Sarah grilled Blaise, and not just lightly, she was practically hissing down his throat. With each and every question, accusation and threat Blaise got closer to the end of his tether. The endless torrent of questions seemed to be wearing him down, until finally, with 5 minutes to go Blaise was finished.

"Alright, alright, for Merlin's sake. I'll tell you why." He grumbled as he crossed his arms, looking a little embarrassed. Was that nerves? Sarah immediately began to regret her endless torent of questioning, if only for the fact that Blaise now looked as if he was going to tell her something she would regret knowing. "I like you Matthews, there I said it." His eyes nervously looked over for her reaction as he swallowed. Hard. 

"Oh.." That was all Sarah could manage. It was now her turn to feel a little embarrassed, after baring down on him for nearly two whole hours all of it had been because he liked her? Oh boy did she feel stupid. Sarah attempted to speak up again but her voice seemed to have disapparated and she was left speechless. Oh god, she had not been expecting that from him, he hadn't ever given her reason to even suspect that he liked her. Why now anyway!? 

Blaise raised an eyebrow at her reaction as he pulled his things into his bag. He didn't really know what to do with the girl who was gawking at him. He fiddled with his tie, loosening it from his neck as his shirt suddenly seemed to become tighter. He shook his head and then looked back at her, waiting for a response, anything would be better than waiting. It was killing him, the deathly silence.

"So do you want to go out or what?" He asked quickly as he stood up to leave her with his bag firmly placed over one shoulder. He couldn't wait forever, maybe his questioning would help her to hurry up and make a faster choice?

"Oh, yeah, sure." Sarah nodded at him as he nodded back at her with a small smile and left her with her thoughts. Moments later Sarah felt her face turning bright red with embarrassment as she quickly packed her things away and practically ran back to the common room. She was up the stairs in a flash and was sat on her four poster bed with bag in hand.

Never in a million years had she expected Blaise to ask her out. He was better than Draco and seemed to be fairly polite, besides that she was quite sure that she wouldn't get a torrent of abuse from Pansy about Blaise. Hey maybe they would even get along? 

Sarah thought about that for a moment, a lot of things would probably fall into place, not only would Pansy know she wasn't trying to 'steal her little Drakie-poo' away from her, she would have a boyfriend (admit it, being single is not as fun). This could prove to hold out enough positives for her to say yes.

There were actually a lot of positive things about dating Blaise she had never even considered before. Besides she quite liked him and it would get her mind off whatever Draco was hiding from her. Right well it was decided then. Sarah would date Blaise. 

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