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"What the hell is the D.A?" Sarah asked in a highly confused voice. If they were going to talk in abbreviations the whole time they could count her out of the conversation. How the heck did they expect her to understand what the D.A. meant. She was smart, but she wasn't a mind reader.

"The D.A. stands for Dumbledore's Army. Not that it really matters to you, after all you should probably leave." The high strung female said curtly. God she was so annoying, it wasn't that Sarah particularly hated Granger, however she had a tendency to be a little up her own arse. On top of that she just had to butt in whenever she was speaking to somebody else and she never gave Sarah a chance (Not all Slytherins are bad!).

"Erm, so your casting spells without 'The High Inquisitors' permission?" Sarah asked with a small chuckle as she saw Grangers face drop a little. "Not that I care that you're breaking the rules, but don't you think she might catch you?"

"Not unless you tell her." Ron sided with Hermione, they seemed to have a habit of going against any and all people who were even in the same house as Draco. What was with all the prejudice against them anyway, it wasn't Slytherins fault that people who weren't so great came from their house... Was it?

Sarah shifted slightly under the gaze of the leader who was clearly a little more comfortable with her presence than anybody else in the room. She sighed a little but brushed the topic from her mind; what could she do about it anyway? Harry watched her and gestured for her to follow him over to a slightly quieter corner of the room. Sarah followed quickly, as to avoid the eyes of many of the students who had already been watching the confrontation.

"Sarah, what are you even doing-"

"Harry, why did you drag me over-"

There was a slight pause as a mangle of words twisted together. They both stared at each other rather awkwardly, waiting for the other to speak again.

"You first." Sarah quickly chipped in, he was probably going to tell her why as he explained anyway. She sat down on the floor, patting the ground beside her invitingly as she made herself comfortable.

"I was going to ask why you were looking for Draco, but I guess it's probably not that important, seeing as you didn't rush off again." Sarah nodded slightly, Pansy wasn't all that important anymore and neither was Draco, it probably wasn't worth her time anyway. "Now you know, you're not gonna tell Umbridge right?" He asked tentatively, looking around the room, there were a lot of people that would get into trouble for this.

"No, besides I don't need another reason for you to be hating me." She said curtly, but held her hand up to cut him off from speaking again. "Don't deny it, I know that we aren't friends."

Harry rolled his eyes at her and laughed at her, leaving Sarah a little startled, which only caused him to laugh harder. He only stopped when Sarah punched him arm rather violently because everybody had begun to stare at them.

"Oi! Stop laughing at me Harry, this isn't helping." Sarah argued with a deep scowl forming on her face as she glared at Harry. If he was trying to annoy her then he was going the right way about it. Laughing at her was not something Sarah appreciated.

"Alright, alright, I just think it's funny that you think I hate you. That's ridiculous." Harry stated, as if it had been obvious the whole time that he didn't dislike her in the slightest. "I do have one more question though."

"Alright, shoot."

"Do you want to join the D.A?"

Hu? Now that was a question. Sarah wasn't exactly sure what being in the D.A would entail, but she was sure as didn't want to stop using magic. After all what was the point in being a witch and being without magic, it was like taking away what the very core of her being was. So she agreed to join the D.A.

The next few weeks were rather odd for Sarah. At the same time her boyfriend and housemates were in the inquisitorial squad, she was with the Golden Trio and the other houses who had joined Dumbledore's Army, having a whale of a time. Although at first some of the other members had found it difficult to accept her presence she had moulded into the group quite well. It was really quite fun hanging out with them, she even became good friends with Cho. They had rather a lot in common really and even began to hang out after meetings were over.

But like all good things, they must come to an end. After all nothing can last forever.

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