Dear Miss. Parkinson,

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A/N - Don't hate on me, but if you want to check out my other stories It would be appreciated, now on with the chapter!!


It was two weeks since Sarah and Draco's 'chat' in the room of requirement and honestly, it was grating on Sarah's nerves. She had to know what he was going to tell her, he had looked so incredibly angry and nervous. She was a little surprised that he hadn't decided to hit her, he seemed on the edge of reason. But why? Why had he been so wound up and angry on that day?

"Excuse us Miss Matthews but if you can't pay attention in my class maybe it would be best if you were to leave?" Snape suggested as he stopped mid-lecture.

Sarah went bright red as she shook her head and went back to writing her notes as quickly as she could without making ink blots on her parchment. With her thoughts forced back on track she had little time to think about the blonde who was looking equally as stressed at the back of the room.

Another lesson dragged by with the endless lecture it finally felt like she was back at school, or at least apart from the nagging feeling that something was wrong with Malfoy. No! Sarah would not allow herself to care about that good for nothing snake. She shook her head as she swung her bag over her shoulder and was about to walk out of the class room when she saw a mildly disturbing sight.

Draco was making out with Parkinson. Yeah, the bitch who had hit her at the start of the year. A bubble of rage began to build up inside of her as she rubbed her cheek. Sarah didn't really know why the sight of Draco and Pansy making out disgusted her so, it just did. Maybe it was because they were both so icky away from each other, let alone together.

Sarah dismissed herself as soon as the wretch looked over at her and smirked, her arms wrapped around the blondes neck. She was quick to make an exit and run towards the care of magical creatures department. While she was making her way there a thought struck her. Why exactly had Pansy punched her? Was the reason because she had though Draco was crushing on her? She thought he had been really nice to her.

Now Sarah wasn't one for revenge, but punching her in the face was something she wanted Pansy to regret. Sarah could feel her hand itching to get her wand out and curse Pansy to kingdom come whenever she saw her near, but Sarah had resisted. Something like revenge was best served with a healthy splash of humiliation. Sarah wouldn't curse her because for one it would get her into a lot of trouble, and she honestly didn't want to find herself in Umbridge's office after she heard what the crying was about that night in the hospital. Her punishment was barbaric. None the less, Sarah would get my revenge on Pansy Parkinson. Funnily enough, in Sarah's next lesson she found the perfect revenge.


The next morning Sarah had gotten up early and headed down to where her care of magical creatures class took place. Laying in a large tank sat an especially mucus covered flobberworm that was just ready to be picked up for a nice little surprise for her friend. Sarah grinned as she picked up the thing with a hovering charm and brought it all the way back up towards the Slytherin common rooms.

To be honest she was quite lucky she hadn't been caught by any of the teachers or prefects. But it was only 4:30 in the morning and she didn't expect many people to be up at this time. She chuckled under her breath as she tip-toed up the stairs and into her dorm.

A very relaxed looking Pansy was sleeping on her bed, a string of drool hanging from her lips as she grunted in her sleep. In Sarah's mind the flobberworm was Pansy's look alike. She slowly slipped the thing under the sheets till it was tucked under one of Pansy's arms. Very quickly she set up a camcorder, propping it up to get this priceless reaction. Honestly, Sarah felt bad for the poor flobberworm. 'Oh well.' She thought to herself as she slipped back into bed.


A couple of hours later a loud high pitched wail was heard through out the whole of the Slytherin common room and dorms. Sarah was quite sure that Pansy would rival moaning Myrtle if they were to have a screaming competition. There was a rush to see what was going in as boys flocked into the girls door (to which serval of the girls who were just waking up screamed at), along with the rest of the Slytherin girls.

There was Pansy, sat bolt upright with a thick layer of slime coating her night wear and skin and the flobberworm laying on the floor. Sarah imagined if the flobberworm could have an expression right now, it would not have been a very impressed look. Pansy was freaking out.

"GET THAT THING AWAY FROM ME!" She screeched at the top of her lungs as she backed up into her bed post and squealed even louder. To which Sarah was now giggling at, along with the rest of Slytherin house. Sarah smirked at the well hidden camera that was tucked away in the inner corner of Pansy's four poster bed.

Parkinson seemed to realise everybody was laughing at her and they were all staring. She was fuming, storming up and out of her bed she tried to make her way to our shared bathroom. Much to her dismay she slipped on the nasty mucus that had trailed down her leg. She landed flat out on her ass with a small bump.

Not only was this the best thing, but Sarah had it on tape, and now she was dragging Draco into it.

"Draco!" She screamed as she held up her hand to the boy stood in amongst the crowd who had come in upon hearing the scream. "Help me up." She demanded in a none too polite way. Her sticky hand thrusted out and waiting for his.

"No way, this is not my mess." And with that he walked out, leaving one hell of a laughing crowd and a very very angry Pansy. She soon left and locked herself in the bathroom where she stayed for the remainder of the day.

Sarah smirked softly, she guessed she wouldn't need the tape, her revenge was well and truly completed. With just one more small touch to be added. Sarah wrote a small note.

'Dear Miss. Parkinson,

I am writing to see if your prank was enjoyed, here is the tapped reaction, if you would like to see it in full?

Sincerely Prankster duo.'

Sarah wasn't entirely sure that Pansy would buy that the Weasley twins had done it, but she would rather throw her off a little. If she bought it, Fred and George would only appreciate the reputation anyway. Sarah shrugged it off, either way her revenge was done, maybe the dish was best served with a good helping of slime.


A/N - sort of a filler episode? Anyway I hoped you enjoyed the answers this chapter provided, well sorta, as to why Pansy punched Sarah. I'll go more into depth when I do a chapter from Draco's P.O.V. Probably the chapter after next? As always comments are appreciated!

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