Cat and mouse

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Snape had just been summoned and was now stood in Umbridge's office with the rest of them, but he didn't really stay very long. After explaining rather plainly that all of the stock of veritaserum was out he left, after Harry shouted something in code at Snape he was gone. The rather brief encounter did nothing to make her feel any more at ease as she leaned slightly back against Draco, this whole day had been quite tiring and she would be lying if she said she did not just want to fall asleep right then and there. Unfortunately it seemed that tonight would not be the night she would be getting any sleep.

Umbridge was getting more and more worked up by the second, her fingers dipping into her pocket as she retrieved her wand, raising it and pointing it towards Harry. Oh no. Sarah felt a lump form in her throat, but before anything could happen there was a cry. Hermione to be specific saying that they were getting into contact with Dumbledore and there was a weapon being made. Sarah felt rather confused for a moment, but then it became rather obvious. As Umbridge got up with Harry and Hermione and they walked to the door Sarah was rather thankful. Having Umbridge out of the way would mean that they could quite easily face off against the other students in the office.

It was only a few minutes after they had left that all hell broke loose, Ginny, Luna, Ron and Neville took out the rest of the inquisitorial squad, spells flying across the room, plates smashing and sparks lighting up the small room. Sarah just pushed slightly away from Draco and he simply let her go. She turned around quickly looking at him with a questioning gaze, however it appeared that he was not even going to try and keep a hold of her. She felt almost bad about it, had she really done so much that he wasn't even going to sneer at her? Not to say she particularly enjoyed his frosty attitude but it was at least more normal than him giving up completely.

Noting her confused expression the blonde just smirked at her and leaned down, the room around them too frantic to notice. "This is me saying I apologise. I don't owe you anything now." He stated sharply, leaning back against the wall as she looked at him with surprise. They were really completely even, nothing she could say would really make a difference now. Sarah didn't really mind all that much though, she was completely distracted by the amused look in his eyes as he watched her. She had never really been in control at all, had she? Sarah was the mouse and he was a cat, how foolish of her to think that she could ever mock one, he had probably enjoyed watching her pathetic attempts to have the upper hand.

The fight stopped, the rest of the inquisitorial squad was on the floor and Sarah was left just looking at Draco, and him looking back at her, while the rest of the group stood behind Sarah awkwardly, not really sure what to do.

"Go, you need to catch up with Harry and Hermione. I will catch up once I finish here." Sarah muttered softly, listening until she heard all of the pairs of feet shuffle out of the room and the door softly clicking shut.

"Why? Why are you doing this?" Sarah instantly became suspicious, it was not like Draco to do anything of the sort to help her out. So why now, all of a sudden why was he being so kind to her and allowing her to leave? Her body became tense as she watched him lean back against the wall, the rest of his group incapacitated, it was just the two of them. Nervous was the exact word she would use to describe herself right now, caught in his eyes.

"Because Sarah, believe it or not, I am actually rather fond of you too." Draco countered, using her own words against her. "You haven't run away, you aren't scared of me because of what little you know. You didn't stay away when I told you to, so you're either brave or stupid." Malfoys cocky side got the better of him as he leaned forward slightly, causing them to lock eyes. "Shouldn't you be going, that precious little group of yours needs a Slytherin, right?" His words were rather playful as he motioned to the door, suggesting she should leave already if she wished to catch up with her friends.

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