The feeling of Betrayal

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During the weeks before the accident Sarah had been seen less around the Slytherin common room. Which began to raise suspicion between her class mates, they had even theorised that she was going off to secretly hook up with Blaise around the castle in different locations. For whatever reason Sarah's friends were beginning to question her a little more. Not that it really mattered to her, after all she had all of the people in the D.A who she was becoming close to.

Sarah had been hanging out with Cho since she joined the D.A, they had even went to Hogsmeade together when December had come. It had been nice to have friends that were outside of the Slytherin house, it came to Sarah as a surprise that not all Ravenclaw's were absolute geniuses and didn't want to have fun, or that not all Hufflepuff's just sat around and got stoned all day. She would even (begrudgingly) admit that not all Gryffindor's had Hero complexes and would go gallivanting off on some adventure. In fact they were all really quite pleasant.

Sarah was just about to seek off to the D.A meeting that she had been alerted to earlier that day by the small piece of paper sat in her pocket. She was a little surprised Harry had called for a meeting so late in the day, but it didn't really matter too much. Well that was before Blaise stood in her path, stopping her from exiting the common room.

"Hey Blaise." Sarah said with a small smile as she looked up at him. Although she had to admit that she hadn't really been hanging out with him as much as she would have liked to. Sarah linked her hands together and wrung them nervously.

"Hey, I thought we could hang out tonight?" He asked as he leaned against the stone wall, still blocking her path out. Sarah thought about it for a moment. She didn't really want to miss a D.A meeting, especially if it was about something important, or a new spell, or something that was- "What are you thinking about? Your eyes lit up."

Blaise was a pretty open and honest guy, he was truthful and would listen to what Sarah said, but he wasn't exactly the most tactile person on the planet. Over the past month and a half that they had been going out she had found her life becoming more and more hectic, which had left less time for time together.

Sarah sighed gently as she put her hands lightly around his neck. "Blaise, as much as I wish to spend time with you, I have to go meet up with my friend." Sarah said softly, managing to spin herself around him so the exit was behind her and she would be able to go at a moments notice.

"Are you cheating on me?" He asked bluntly, with a slightly raised eyebrow.

Sarah hadn't been expecting that one. However what should she have been expecting, sneaking off around the castle, meeting up with some mystery people on a regular basis, not telling her boyfriend where she was going. Yeah, it was pretty suspicious now she thought about it. But as much as that was true if he trusted her it wouldn't of even crossed his mind.

"No, sorry Blaise, I'm just.." She paused, she couldn't really explain that she was going against the rule about groups. He was in the inquisitorial squad and she somewhat doubted that he would understand. "I have to go okay?" She tried to smile at him, to reassure him, but it ended up looking half hearted.

"Sarah, if you leave then you can count me out." Blaise stated with a confident nod, turning and walking back towards the sofa, were Pansy, Draco and Penelope were sat together.

She bit her lip gently, she did like Blaise but she couldn't just stop turning up to the D.A and give up on them. It wasn't like they had been in love anyway, it was just a small time thing, she had always known that. It wasn't like she had got together with him with the best of intentions... With that in mind she turned and fled from the common room, leaving Blaise behind her.

By the time she got up to the room of requirement the meeting had already started. She was very fortunate not to get hit by Luna's wand which had just come flying from her hand and towards her head. It landed on the floor beside her as she door faded closed. Sarah laughed softly and leaned down, picking up her wand and throwing it back over towards her.

"Hey, sorry I'm late, I had to get rid of some baggage on my way here. Harry, where's Cho?" Sarah asked as she scanned the room, looking for her gossip buddy who was no where to be seen.

Harry shrugged softly as he looked around. "I'm not really sure, she said she was coming to me earlier today." He turned and went to talk to some second year about disarming spells, leaving Sarah on her own.

She went over to where Luna stood, practicing her patronus charm. A cute little animal was hopping around in mid air, made out of a light substance that was coming from Luna's wand. Patronus charms were always pretty, at least in Sarah's opinion. It jumped over heads and made a few circles around the room before it began to fade away as a loud banging was heard outside.

All heads in turned to look at the wall and panicked looks were sent flying across the room. A curious boy went over to the small hole that had been created and peaked through, before behind swiftly pulled back by Harry. The skin crawling voice that Sarah had gotten so used to during her time at Hogwarts this year could be heard on the other side.

There was a loud bang when the wall blew up, revealing the Inquisitorial squad, Umbridge and a slightly nervous looking Cho on the other side. Needless to say that it wasn't the best situation for them.

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