Chapter 2- Dissappointments in one day

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Pain in the ass

Walking into Damien's homeroom was hell, especially when every girl there knows you're his sister. And that his sister is quite naive at times.

"'s your name again?"

"Damien is SO hot! I feel sorry for you, I mean you're his sister, it's not like you can hit on him or anything..." I shivered at that one, even if I wasn't related to him, I would stay far far far away from him.

"Hi! I'm Jessie! I SO totally love your brother! Tell him that! And you know me 'n you? We'll make great friends!" I looked at her weirdly then do what I just usually do at situation like this.

I smile.

That's right. I smile. This is the technique I'm teaching you, when someone is saying things you don't understand or if they're giving you death stares, you smile and they have no idea what they should do- smile back or whatever.

But...she didn't notice and kept talking and talking, she was telling me her life story.

I rolled my eyes and looked around. There in the corner were two people that no one really dares to mess with. The ones dressed in black, and have that sexy cool look. Brooks Coleburn and Ryker Hayes. Never mess with them, there was this prep (rich 'n spoiled) kind of guy that called Kevin a freak and the next day that guy went missing, but then found later on half dead in this alleyway. He lost his memory though, so no one was charged. And of course no one dares to dob (turn) Kevin in. That would be plain stupid.

Those guys are usually the hot ones in the stories, and they have a little kindness and warmth in their heart where they have this little crush on the miss goodie two shoes. Well let me remind you, this is no story.

Yes, they are hot but the scars on their faces, the bruises on their hands and the times you see them in class which is rarer than rare, just doesn't leave much of a HOT impression. The warmth and kind part is just plain bullshit. I saw them once running over a puppy on the street. They are not human, they didn't even stop or slow down a little bit to see what they had run on. Heartless shits. So even the thought of them having liking someone would be just retarded of me, in fact what's worse then retarded? Put that in instead.

And to make matters worse, my brother Damien is kind of 'connected' to them. They aren't exactly friends, but definitely not enemies, that's for sure. Damien is good at making friends. He knows who can back him up in life or death situations, and Ryker or Brooks isn't the type of asshole who'd leave their 'connections' in not so good situations. They fight but not because they care, as if they cared. They just do it for the pride. Well that's what I think anyway.

If you had noticed, I had spent my last 2 minutes or so thinking about them. And that isn't right. But then again, what can't that sexy grin make people do. Oh yea, that grin belongs to Ryker, with his dark black hair, some at the front hanging just above the cutest dimples. And Brooks has the sweetest smile. He's less mean and dangerous but around Ryker, he's a whole different person. Colder.

God they're addictive.

But being me, I can resist their charm.

Oh, wait...honestly

Let me rephrase.

I can PRETEND that I can resist their charm. I'm really good at acting, and that's why drama is one of my favorite subjects. No matter how unhappy I am, I can make everyone believe I'm hyper and happy as hell for no reason. Well, everyone can't tell except my best friend Lucia.

I swift my way through a bunch of people and find my brother sitting on a chair with a chick sitting on his desk, her legs slightly apart and her eye's flicking fifty hundred million times a second.

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