Chapter 5- Pizza

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Pizza Dude

My brother was shaking me, side to side.

"The hell?!" I shot myself up, looking right at him.

"It's 8:00am... late to school man!" He had this weird look to his face... or maybe I just couldn't see clearly since I was woken up 2 seconds ago.

I sighed. Since when did he give a damn about school and- wait.


I groaned and flopped myself back on the bed, pulling the covers over my head.

But of course, Damien just HAD to exist.

"HAHAHA" he laughed. He actually had the nerve to laugh? And isn't he supposed to be angry at me?

"I know... it's just payback for what happened to me, now wakie wakie! Why can't you wake up early like me?"

I always thought he could do better. I guess I was wrong.

"It's because you have a retarded mind." I mumbled from under my covers.

"Whatever...Mom didn't cook breakfast today and she left a note telling you to do it. Come on! I'm hungry and it's not like you can sleep again after you woke up." I sniffed. Damien knew me too well. You have no idea what a disadvantage that is. And so this is the reason why he's being nice all of a sudden. Just like me, easily bribed by food...

"Give me 10 minutes." I yawned.

He started shaking the bed.

"Wake up... wake up... or... or I'll start singing!"

Trust me. You DO NOT want to hear him sing. Damiens singing is worse then going to hell. I quickly flipped the covers and tried to stand up, but no...when you first wake up you have no energy, so I fell.

"OUCH!" now that echoed through the house.

I successfully stood up after Damien helped me up and I walked myself to the bathroom.

He's using me so he can have breakfast. He knows some cooking skills, but do you think you can really depend on him to cook? I think rat poison would be a much better option.

10 minutes later, still in my teddy bear Pj's and Dame in his T-shirt and silk boxers, we stood in the kitchen and was wondering what I should cook.

"Cereal!" I stated.

"No. I want sausage and egg."

"How about you cook your food, and I'll cook mine." I looked at him, hoping him to nod.

"How about I'll start burning the kitchen and you can start cooling it down."

I sighed in defeat.


"Let's call pizza." He suggested.

That...was the smartest and yet dumbest thing he'd said to me in years. Who has pizza for breakfast? But it was a better choice than either of us cooking. I'm well known as a lazy bum.

"I want Hawaiian!" I said running for the phone.

"NO! Supreme!"

I stopped, and turned around to face him giving him a death stare.

He stopped behind me, and closed his eyes for a second before saying.

"BOTH! You pay yours, I'll pay mine!"

"Is it just me, or are you getting smarter?" I asked him. I was really surprised. No, seriously.

"You just haven't noticed I, your brother, has always been smart."

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