Chapter 7- Painful Crying

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Painful Crying

Sunday passed swiftly as I was doing nothing really. I called up people to go shopping but it was either they had to go out with mom or just simply busy.


Friends? What friends? I have NO friends.

So the whole day I bummed at home while Dame went out. How come he has friends but not me?!

Well...there are the good days and there's also the bad.

I'm now day dreaming again in English class. Romeo and Juliet. Sigh. Period one and I already can't stay focused.

Seriously, it's the 21st century. I mean, I wouldn't die for my boyfriend- and I definitely wouldn't go marrying a guy who I'd only met a few times. That means less then 5 times, but maybe I'd marry if only he was really really really HOT. I could have a divorce later on if we didn't get along. So no big deal, but then again marriage is a girls once in a life time thing. I really don't want a divorce.

If he died I'd probably sulk about it for the next few months and get over it. Dying for him... It's romantic and all that...but come on people! Again I tell you: it's the 21st century!

"Cheryll, you seem like you're paying attention. Why don't you answer my question?" asked my English teacher.

Shit. I looked on the board she was writing on and on it asks 'What is dramatic irony?'

"'s like...when the audience knows something the characters don't?"

"Good." she smiled and went off to go pick on another student.

I looked out the window next to me and I see two people jumping the school fence. Typical.

Guess who?

Brooks and Ryder.

What is the point of coming school when you're gonna jigg first period? To see the chicks in homeroom? Weird assholes these days.

And what's the deal with Brooks having such a hot car? It's no where near he can afford. Well that's what I think...I want to know about this guy.

"Ok! Now we're going to go down to the computer lab!" Ms. Conning said as she went out the classroom.

"Matt!" I yelled across the room. He just awoke from a deep sleep and was stretching his arms. He might not be my best friend like Lucia but he definitely was the number 1 best guy on Earth! Meaning he was second on my friend VIP list.

"Hey...sups?" he asks while yawning. Did I mention nearly the whole group is lazy?

"SO BORED!" I did the high pitched thing...but I'm no expert at it.

"Shut sound like you're PMSing and running out of breathe the same time."

I hit him on the arm lightly.

"Not funny." I tell him.

"You sure about that?" he asks.

I chuckle with him, talking about the weekends and stuff.

We were walking to the library together when he needed to go to the bathroom.

"Are you serious?" I say.

He shoved me his stuff and told me to wait for him.

Great. One thing about having a male friend and them needing to go bathroom is when you want to tell them to hurry up you can't exactly go in the same bathroom as them. You have to waste your energy screaming inside, while you don't even know if he can hear you.

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