Stupidity's The Word (Ryders POV)

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Stupidity. That's the word.

That girl, Cheryll- she drives me insane.

Who is stupid enough to get on Skye's bad list? Unfortunately her, and because of her I am on that list as well.

Why the hell does Brooks have to have this 'thing' for her?

Since Grade 4 I have been related to Brooks, my step brother. His mother had married my dad because they felt like it? I don't care.

From an only child to having a younger brother has one negative thing. I have to be protective, I have to back him up, I couldn't try to not care anymore. I had to look after my only relative that kind of cares for me and I hate to admit but I care for him too.

Dad has never been 'loving' or even 'caring'. I have always done things myself. I am known as independent.

The first time I saw Brooks I remember how he tried to be nice, and how I'd just always shut him off. He's too nice for his own good, he is too kind.

Later on, I trained him. We got along as god-brothers instead. No one really knows about me and him being step-brothers. And I don't see the need for them to.

I took him out on the streets, met my street friends, my little gang at that time. Me, Kang, Sam, Fung, and a few chicks.

At that time, I was only twelve. Brooks was about the same age as me but he was younger by some months.

At school, he was doing well, turning into a nerd maybe? I told him if he wanted to hang with me he needed to be less nerdy and more...bad.

From that day on, he broke rules, he vandalized, he stole, he did what I told him, and he had become my brother.

You might think 'What the fuck?.' And probably more cussing and such. The main idea is to accept him for who he is. Well, reality check

I can't.

Years have passed and we became close, though in the whole time I have never let him join the gang.

Being a bad ass in school won't get you killed. Being in a gang? You can get shot down and you would have no idea what's going on.

Grade 6 he told me he had this 'thing' for this girl. I told him to go screw her.

He looked at me, and just shook his head.


Years have passed and right now, he still has this 'so-called-crush' for her.

Why can't he go fuck her? I seriously want to know.

When Brooks had slipped on a banana peel, his reputation at school downgraded quite immediately, I had made his reputation, I had made him. And nobody should mess with that. Before I could get my hands on Damien's sister, Brooks had stopped me and told me to let her off.

At that time, I had gotten suspicious.

The other day Brooks called me and told me to replace him at the pizza place for a sec. He told me he didn't want to see 'her' in his dumbass pizza suit.

Could 'she' be Damien's sis?

I was curious to see who 'she' was and how did she get my brother in such lust.

When she opened the door, in her Pj's I almost thought she was cute. Sexy even, her hair was a little bit messed up, and her eyes looked up at me like I was some kind of celebrity.

I was right. It was Cheryll.

Just to check her out a bit longer I invited myself in for Pizza. After the little stay at her house I think I know why he was somehow addicted to her. Her personality had something special to it. It was 'different' to the girls we usually meet.

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