24. Questions answered

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    She nodded and asked when we could start. And that's when I had to tell them why time was so fickle. And such a B.I.C.T.H.

    "Dad I need my tablet please." He slide it to me and I logged in real quick. I typed really fast and had to wait for it to catch up with me. It did, then I sent it to Sam's tablet. "That's all that I can explain right now. But it should take you a whir to get that far. Two days I think. And here's where the rest of you get your surprises and time to think. I will not be in any condition to take care of myself because I will be needing to rest for a while. Think of it this way. I need to recharge my batteries. And my brain and body is the battery. Every time I jump through time I drain my battery. And so they need to be recharged. Simple right?" Every nodded. This was the easy part. Now for the weird part.

    "How I recharge is not just to take a nap for a while and have something to eat. That would be nice, but it don't work that way. Also I have two batteries to recharge not just one. Body and mind. So, My mind battery recharges by me regressing. Me being Little in other words. The more juice I use the younger I regress." I look around the table and they all nod understanding that part.

    I pick up a backpack that none of them saw until now. Just a little trick I picked up while I was away. I put the backpack on the table. "Now as for my body to recharge, that is basically the same. I will literally regress that too. I will not be telling all of you how that works. But needless to say, I will be taking a shower and needing Huskies help after that. So the next time you see me I will be a little kid and not know anything that a little kid wouldn't know. Don't even try asking me, I just won't know. At least not until my batteries are charged again. And not to make this a little more complicated. If I become an infant to about two years old, I can recharge in maybe two days to a week. If I go toddler, 2 or 3 years old, it might take a week to a month. If I go older then that, it could take years. But for now, if Husky is willing to help, I can go about 1 year old and that should give everyone time to think about what's going on."

    I looked a Danual and said. "Now you understand why you're here. If we use your place as a base, I will need Husky to take care of me and not be seen. At lease for a couple of days while I recharge. As for the price of everything we use and some extra for you, I put some extra gold in that cave of yours. I figure that it would be easer that way then trying to give you cash from that time. Just don't ask where it came from. But don't worry, it's all legal. That is if you're ok with all this stuff."

    Danual was ok with it and said that we could come by any time we wanted. But to just remember he helps out other people too. But that shouldn't be a problem. Then it was time for Husky and me to go so I could recharge. We excused ourselves and made our way to my rooms. Husky volunteered his rooms but mine were bigger and what little I had was there.

    When we went in I put my, now old, little husky pup on my dresser with the other stuffed animals. Me and Husky sat on my bed so I could explain how this would work. It wasn't that hard I quite literally disappeared as me and reappeared as a younger or older me. But only my body would do this. So if I was wearing something it would start to fall as I disappeared. Then it would shred when I came back. So I had to be naked when I did this. Some times if there was a lot of dust in the air I could see sparks. That was really cool looking. I handed Husky my backpack and asked him what age he would prefer me to be. We had the time for me to be all the way up to maybe a 2 year old. He told me he was fine with any age, so I suggested a 1 year old. That way he wouldn't need to be by my side 24/7 and he would be able to get some sleep at night and while I take naps. It was a little younger then my Little side was, but close enough.

    He agreed and then I told him that I would need a nap after. When I went Little or Big I would need 2 hours to recover. And I would need him to dress me ether way. I would be completely useless until after my nap. So Big or Little he would have to take care of me during that time. I also told him how to get me Big again. You see, I will have no memories of Big me when I'm small. But after I'm recharged he can ask me if I remember Big me. And that's the key. When I can, then he can ask me if I remember how to get Big. Then I will think about it, then it will happen. But again I have to understand him first. So if I go infant it will take at least 6 months to a year to understand him. Much less to be able to go Big again. And if he never asks me about my Big self, then I will never remember. I am quite literally putting my fate in his hands. He could have me go infant one day and then never ask me the right questions. Then I would louse the ability to time travel all together. And that is why I asked him my next question.

    "Daddy Husky, at some point in time, after we are done doing what we need to do. Would you be willing to adopt me as your real son? I can go as small as you want. And then you just don't ask me about Big me. And then we could live a normal life together. You could get someone you love and marry them. And you wouldn't have to worry about having a teen Little to deal with. Just a little kid, your son that you've been raising by yourself. I can make sure that you would never have to worry about money. And I would do my best to be good and not cause you trouble. And...." That is where he stopped me. He was so fast. I was being embraced in a really tight hug.

    "I would love you as my son. I wouldn't even mind if you just went back to that 15 year old Little. I would still love you if you stayed this age kiddo. Actually, I think I would prefer you a little smaller. That way I could carry you around when you go Little on me. And I really like your cuddles too." We both smiled, and yes we cried a little.

    But it was now time for me to change to my Little self. I stripped down right there and put my clothes on the bed. I did a little hop so my feet didn't touch the floor. What landed was a little 1 year old me. I looked up and saw daddy. "Daddy I tired." I reached up to him and he picked me up. I looked at him and asked. "Why I naked? Is it bath time?"

    He looked at me and said. "Yes it is little pup. Let me grab your bag then we can take a bath and get you all cleaned up before your nap. How does that sound?"

    I put my arms in the air and said. "YAAA. I want bubbles too." He walked in to the bathroom with me in one arm and my bag in the other hand. He sat me down and I almost fell. So I sat down I was really tired and could barely keep my eyes open. But he opened my bag and pulled out the stuff in there. Of course there was clothes there along with a couple of diapers that would fit me. But he also pulled out a bottle of bubble bath.

    Daddy started the water and added the bubbles. He made sure the there were towels for us after. Then he stripped down and picked me back up. I put my head on his shoulder and almost fell asleep right then. But when the water started tucking me I woke up a little. The bubbles were tickling my feet and I giggled. I played with the bubbles while daddy washed me all squeaky clean. Then it was time to get out and I got a really big towel wrapped around me. It was soft and so warm and daddy put one around him too. Then he took us to a room with a really big bed and laid me down on it. He got me all dry and ready for my nap. I was so tired but I wanted daddy to stay wif me and he did. He got on the bed and held me so I not be alone. He cuddled right up to me and I be held by him and I warm and I tired and I closeded my eyes and he holded me and I fell a sweep in daddies arms.

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