48. The end of the beginning. Again 1

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Max's POV

    During our exploring in the convention I noticed little Max getting tired. I knew he couldn't keep up with everyone else do to his size. But he really wanted to keep going. I swear that he was sleep walking at one point. He went as far as to hold my tail again just to keep walking in a straight line. Finally I had enough and told him that the reason he's so tired is that the energy level in his new suit was way low and the only way to charge it was to take a nap. It wasn't technically lying. He was the suit and he needed a nap to recharge. I was getting tired too so I was going to take a nap with him.

    During our look about we had already been talking about other things he would have to keep an eye on. Stuff like his new strength and him shifting by mistake. Other kids can't literally bounce off the walls like he can now. And if they get scared they can't grow claws ether. I also showed him how he could have a normal kids abilities too. How to set his suit up so that he couldn't go furry or pick up a car by accident. He even agreed to let Wolf have a sort of override just incase he had a temper tantrum or something like that. I was trying to plan for the future, what if a kid picked on him in school and he went lol furry? Well this override would be able to be switched on in the morning when he got up and when he got home turned off. But in a life threatening situation he would be able to override the override and protect himself. Not to mention when he slipped and went Little.

    We ended up getting to our rooms and before we could get our nap PHusky told me that he wanted to try a suit. He wanted to be able to do what my Husky could do and to protect Max. I already had one for him waiting. I pulled it out of my bag and tossed it to him. He seemed really happy about getting one and he almost ran to put it on. The others said that they would start his training and I fallowed PMax in to the room for a nap.

    After our nap we went back down to keep looking around. We found out that some of the booths would be leaving tonight and others would take there place tomorrow. So we were all over the place to see them before they left. We ended up having bottles and food on the go for the most part and by the end both me and PMax were tired out.

    We had a lot of fun and we little kids didn't get grumpy or anything. But by the time we got back to our room, we little kids needed help feeding ourselves. It was so bad that when PMax tried to pick up a fork, he couldn't even hold it. I was almost as bad, I picked mine up but ended up stabbing myself in the mouth. That's when it was taken away from me and all I had to do was open my mouth and chew. After that we were picked up and taken to our room. We were changed and left in just our diapers for the night.

    When we were finally put in the crib I swung my tail around me so PMax could hold it. He seemed to like my tail and he grabbed it and hugged it. What I wasn't expecting was for him to do the same. He swung his tail around to me. So for him, I hugged his tail too. It was soft and warm in my arms and we smiled at each other before we both passed out.

    For the first time in a long time I had good dreams. Dreams about having a real family. Dreams about having a brother, a twin that I could share my worries with. A brother I could help and that could help me. And then I opened my eyes to see Max staring at me smiling. I couldn't help but smile back. Then my tail twitched in my arms and that's when I noticed I was still holding his tail not mine. I giggled and so did he. We eventually let go of each others tail and was getting ready to get up.

    He was about to jump out of the crib when I stopped him. "Before you do that. I was thinking about something. All of yesterday I was not using any of my suits power. And I was thinking that you might want to try that today. Maybe we both can be like normal kids today. You see I need to learn how to trust people more and with you here, it was the perfect time to do that. But I don't want you to do something you don't want to do. But it would help me out if you could join me. You now solidarity between brothers and all?" Now I was embarrassing myself. I needed to try this again, but I really didn't want to do it alone. It actually scared me yesterday except for when he was around. Then it wasn't so bad. Maybe today won't be that bad ether.

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