3058 Words
Max's POV
It was morning I think. Well I was awake at least. I was still tired but awake. I rolled over just to have my head hit the bars of the crib I had slept in. The crib that PMax was going to be sleeping in tonight if everything went as planed today. During our talk last night both Wolf and Husky suggested that I quit holding things back. Not just from them, but from both of our groups. They said "By trusting us with your secrets our bond grows. We are able to help you and able to know what to do if or when things happen. We will also know what not to do too. Like scaring you could be a bad thing especially if someone is right behind you. And if you can trust us, then you won't have the need to be at full power at all times. I know I can make myself weaker so I don't hurt people around me. I know you can do the same thing. You have done it in the past, so why not now?"
I'm starting to understand my mommy and daddy better. Wolf and Husky both can be really kind hearted. But they also can be really tough too. Nether one of them held back last night. They talked to me as an equal at times. Other times they talked to me like a child. And then, still other times they talked to me like I was the parent in the family. They not only heard what I was saying, but they really payed attention and took in the things I was trying to say. They let me talk and never got board with what I was saying. Even when I repeated myself sometimes, they still listened to me. They listened, they gave advice, and they heard the advice I gave.
For us, last night, it wasn't a one way street. I wasn't the only one talking, they were too. We shared stuff that we wanted and things we needed. What made us feel good and the things that made us feel bad. We found out that all 3 of us were really dominant. But we also found out that we all could be very submissive too. Wolf liked being a mommy to me at times. And he also liked being the dominant one in his relationship with Husky too at times. But he also liked being the submissive one in there relationship some times and with me. When he's my mommy, he's in charge. He tells me what to do and I'm to do it. But when he's my daddy, he becomes the dodging one. It's really complicated at times, but I understood. And so did Husky.
And then there's Husky. Most of the time he just goes with the flow of things. When he needs to be the dominant one he is. But when he needs to be the submissive, he's that too. But it's his wants that confuses me. You see, he also has a Little side and sometimes that takes over. So sometimes Wolf gets to be his mommy or daddy too. Like when he shifted to be younger, he both liked and disliked that. But now that we all talked about it, he was going to try that again sometime. Wolf said that he would take care of us both for a while that way Husky could really try to enjoy himself next time.
And finally theres me. I like being this small. But I don't like being helpless. I'm used to being the one in charge of things. I'm used to doing everything for myself and not relying on others for anything. But after last night, after healing Bear, that scared me to my core. I not only was small, but I was helpless too. I didn't like being helpless. But I did enjoy when the others took care of me. I enjoyed when they brushed my fur. I enjoyed the bath I was given. And I enjoyed being held all the time. That stuff gave me comfort yesterday when I really needed it. But being threatened to get a spanking and knowing that I could do nothing to stop it. That scared me. Not the spanking part, but the not having control part.
And that leads me to today and a promise I made to my daddy and mommy. Today I was going to do my best to be a real 5 year old kid. With the help of what we all now call our suits, I will be as weak as a real 5 year old. No extra stringh, no being able to jump out of this crib. No healing anyone. No shape shifting. Nothing that a normal 5 year old kid can't do. And I was supposed to do this from the time I wake up, until I go to sleep tonight. One whole day of relying on others to help me out with everything. Of corse I knew I could change that at any time I needed, so that was me still being in control. But if today went well, later we would do this again and ether Wolf or Husky would be in control of my suit for the day. So no control for me at all. That really scared me and I would have to work up to that one.
Take 2 Times 2? Future Book 3?
Science FictionThe continuation. This is what happens to Max and his friends, before and after he travels back in time. Is Bull a trader? If not, then who? What really happened on that day so long ago with the car? How does time travel really work? What secrets ar...