<<<Damn Chicken>>>

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Full disclaimer before you get to reading its 2:30 right now so this part might not be to long or to good but I hope you enjoy

           Nightmares pov:
     God it's been to long since I've been by myself.. honestly it's peaceful.. ~DARLING!~ *mumbles well that ruins the mood* ~Darling are you okay? I haven't been able to find you?~
First off DONT. Call me darling. ~I'm sorry I won't.. darling ;)~ god he's annoying his positivity is getting stronger by the second.. What do you even fucking want? Jeese my voice sounds weak.. ~ Darling I want you.~ FUCK OFF. ~well that wasn't very nice~ did he just wrap his hands around my waste!? Get off of me! *smirks* his positivity at this point is really hurting my arms and making me feel nauseous I need to get him off of me. Hey! Bird brain get off of me! I'm not in the mood today. ~awe your so cute darling .~ This hurts so much it's making me feel like I can pass out any minute-

AND CLIFF HANGER like I said it's really late and it's now 3:00am so I'd rather head to sleep than regret it imma try to publish some more tomorrow goodnight yall <3

210 words

Come on, Darling (swadmare) OLD VERSION Where stories live. Discover now