<<<<Darling come on>>>>

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Hiya before you read this is the second chapter and like the description to this story said this is a 13+ story but anyways back to the story
         Swads pov:
    Awe he looks so cute when he's asleep.. Swad picked him up and brought him through a portal that heads to his home. Hmm I don't have any other room accept mine.. Oh~ darling gets to sleep in my bed! As swad set him down he put this bracelet on him that tracks him and disables some of his magic. Nightmare woke up..
                      Nightmares pov:
    Ughh... where am I? Why is everything yellow and purple it's disgusting.. wait. What happened to my tentacles. There.. gone?! This headache is killing me than I heard ~Darling! Breakfast is ready.~ I mean I am hungry but I knew exactly whose voice that was. It was swads. Swad what the fuck did you do to me?!
~Now now now darling- HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO TELL YOU MY NAME IS NOT DARLING! ~ as you wish darling I have some breakfast made for you and me so.. dig in!~ I mean I am hungry and there's no doubt about it that he probably drugged it or something but I'll eat it.  ~ Now that we are done eating let me show you to my library darling I bet you'll love it!~ ehh I wouldn't honestly mind being in a library right now swad grabbed my hand and didn't seem to let go I was trying to get his hand loose but every time I was successful he'd put his hand back even tighter so I decided that I'll live. When we got to the library he said ~ okay darling we are here! Okay tha- ~Btw I'll let you stay in here while I work on paperwork! Okay than I'll see you later!~ well he's gone thank god. Now I just need to think how I'm going to escape some how.. I guess for now I might as well read.. I wonder what my gremlins are doing right now..

              With the other bad guys..
Uno! FUCK! SCREW YOU DUST! Dust and killer are playing uno, and error and horror are playing video games.. CaNn YalL ShhUtT uP?!
Yea it's getting on my nerves. Cross and is asleep on the couch thinking about where nightmare went. AnY WAyys HaVee YalL EvEnSeEn NigHtMarE? No actually.. mama is usually back by now.. DiD yOu JjUst CalL hIm MaMa?! Yea so what? He's our mama what's so wrong with that error?! EvEryThinGg!! STOP FUCKING ARGUING YOU TWO!! Cross yelled, we just need to focus on what happened because it's been past  wait let me see.. he left to go walk at.. 10 pm.. and it's 9 am..  it's been past fucking 10 hours since he left.. how about we go and try to find him he could've camped out somewhere next to a tree or something.. we can look after breakfast..

               Back with nightmare...
     Darling! Dinner is ready!~ okay than I guess I know the way to the dinning roo- god he's holding my hand again. Can you stop? Why darling~are you afraid you'll like it~. NO. Aww your so cute darling~. What does this asshole of a bird think he is?! The dinner that he made didn't look too bad it actually looked good? ~Does it taste good darling? Well it's edible. Than I noticed there was some type of powered stuff on it. Hey chicken what the hell is this powered stuff? It seems he's ignoring my question. Either way I'm hungry so I Chris it off and keep eating. Was dinner good darling~? Like I said it's edible. Than I noticed that I couldn't feel my legs and that I also felt drowsy. ~Darling I don't think I told you where we are gonna be sleeping tonight did I? No, you didn't.
Well, darling your going to be sleeping with me~. He picked me up I was to tired to care. Then he put me on his bed. And threw some blankets over me then he turned off the light changed into his pajamas and got on the bed. You sleepy darling? Yea, you got a problem with that? No! Of course not! But if you don't mind can I turn on the TV darling? Swad, you know I don't care.
                           About 1 hour later
           Swads pov
   Looks like that sleeping medicine did it's job. Darling is so cute when he sleeps.. Swad kisses nightmares forehead.. maybe I should do this every night because he was a lot sweeter tonight.. *yawn* I should get to sleep..

   In the morning (sorry for the time skips lol)

        Nightmares pov
   Ugh.. my head I feel sick.. so it wasn't a bad dream.. this.. is real. At least I can feel my legs now. ~heyy darling!~ What do you want. ~Darling can you please look up?~ fine.. wha- what is this? It hurts.. Swad. Gets this off of me it hurts.. ~Darling it's not too much positivity you'll live anyways get ready I made breakfast!~ well he left the room.. I felt what he put on my neck.. it's leather and really bulky.. it has alot of positivity on it so.. it hurts alot. I went to the restroom so I can see it in the mirror.. It was a collar. It's light yellow with purple words that seem to be in graves in it the words say darling.. What does this goddamn bird think he is! He doesn't own me.. and my name isn't darling. Well this day can't get any worse.. ~Darling come on hurry up!~ never mind.

980 words I swear- I took too long on this 😭
10 am - 2 pm wow that's a long time.. anyways I'm going to be trying to write at least 1 or 2 chapters every day so please keep reading!

Come on, Darling (swadmare) OLD VERSION Where stories live. Discover now