>>>> We found him <<<<

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Error's POV:
"$0 An¥n3w 1NFoR3m@t10n @bOut wH3r€ H3 c%u!d b€?" I looked at sci which looked very confused he's been working on trying to find what multiverse nightmare is in than it looks like he just clicked together the price like a puzzle. "Well by the looks of it swad is actually... in the enchanted woods! If you gather nightmares gang and the stars maybe y'all will be able to get some exclusive information about where nightmare could be!" sci blabbered on nor about the details and I listened intently I wasn't the best at focusing but saving one of my best friends I'll have to try to listen. "A|_r1gHt 1|| G€t T0 1t" "Okay but jaut remember, we need dream to be there. He the only one which can intake tht much positivity without being knocked down or in pain." I didn't want him to keep on so I just nodded an left his universe.

Cross's POV:
"So you telling us that we need to go into the enchanted forest?" "¥€P" error has probably been on of the most helpful ones so far. He's helped us get more an mor information and step by step we are gonna get nightmare back in no time. But it will still tak some time. "Yo where is blue?" "Killer, do I look like I know?" than I heard horror say as he was walking out of the kitchen with a half eaten muffin "I think I saw him head towards the woods." oh shit "Which woods!?" "the enchanted why?" oh shit "That's where swad is right now." "OH SHIT" he dropped his muffin an ran out the door then two dummies care for each other at this point they ar the word care. "W€ n3£D tO G0 w1TH tH3{\/}"

Blue's POV:
I was walking peacefully in the woods till I started hearing ruffling in the trees. I wa already really far into the woods andi couldn't see the way back so I was stuck Like a duck with no luck. I put on my goggles since I wa getting really foggy I was starting to get really tired for no reason than I noticed... A black goop trail? NIGHTMARE! I started following the trail and I heard something behind me but every time I turned around no one was there it was creepy. Like some type. Of deja vu was following me I continue to follow the trail of goop and I ended up feeling hand on my shoulders "Well, well well look what we have here." I turn around to see swad. Accept something seemed off about him. "What are you doing here? Where's nightmare?!" I yelled that a loud as I could but there was no response but a small smell forms onto his face. "Oh are you talking about my darling? Why he's still in bed at this time." he seemed a little pissed at the moment so I was still confused.  " Answer my question, why are you here?! " he just looked at me like I was a dumb child and said. " Just to have a 'little talk' with you, it would be rude just to have me pop up and bother you for no reason. "  I didn't know what his plan was or what he was doing but I was getting ready to attack. I had my arm behind my back on the my hammer, th other hand on my lap.  " make it quick." I tried to make myself sound not not intimidated, but I probably looked like I did. He turned and looked at me and said, "I won't waste you time don't worry blue." I felt his hands go on my shoulders an I almost started shaking I was so scared but I didn't let him get to me, "Okay.. So what did you want to talk about at this hour of day." I had my phone in my pocket I was ready just to call error and maybe he'll get the signal to come. I looked down at my pocket and pretended that th phone was ringing "Hold on I have to take this call." I called error and told him that it was a code 'bird' an he said that he will come right away an that he will tell the gang. After I hung up I turned around an he was right behind me..."Why you little brat."

Cross' POV:
We were still running in the forest trying to find Blue but than error's phone started ringing. "YyAl1, |t$s B|u3." I saw dream look back at error an say "Okay y'all stop we need to hear this Error put it on speaker." everyone got close except Killer he kinda just didn't even move. "HH€|1O?" than w heard a bit of chuffling and all we heard was "Code 'BIRD'." "0-OkKa¥ 1Ll T£|L TtH€ gAnnG."  an before we hung up we heard "Why you little BRAT." shit we were too late. Error looked shocked than we saw Killer start to run into the forest "Wait Killer!" dream started running after Killer. "CO⃠mEe o-On W€ Ca-N cCatTcH uPp To⃠ Th€M." We all started running an following the tail of foot steps that looked like black goop. Than we saw it. A portal spawned behind swad Blue in a choke hold, Killer knocked into a tree with the back of his skull bleeding, and dream trying to talk to swad. "Why are you doing this?!" I looked away from dream and ran towards killer, than he started trying to get back up so I helped him up than I heard swad respawn back to dream in a erritated "For my darling of course!"

Errors POV:
Since it seemed that dream wa trying to distract him as I took my chance and pulled out my strings and got Blue out of his arms. I looked back at dream than I saw killer trying to go through the portal that was behind swad almost immediately it closed "Oh I'm so very sorry I didn't mean it to shut infront of your price of JUNK." "Says the orange obsessive peacock." I didn't expect killer to actually respawn back to him.. I decided to let dream ask him questions and I walked towards killer to try to heal him about 20 minutes later I felt my hand get lighter that was holding swad. I turned around and saw swad an dream fighting  dream tackled swad and started punching him than swad stood up while dream was still on him and threw him onto the ground I tried to summon my strings to help him but it was like it was disabled. Killer was trying to get up an wa telling us " He's our 'friend's come on we need to help him!"  "Wait he spawned another portal let me check te files for it." I whispered to killer. I checked the files for the portal before he left. We found him.

1215 WORDS!!!!
AHH THS TOOK SO LONG! Since I'm TRYING to finish this by Halloween I've been trying to post chapters as soon as I can but ehh it's fine if I DONT finish by Halloween I'll atleast finish by Christmas.

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