>>> Cutie <<<

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Just a doodle that I drew of what imagine nights onesie to look like :) alrighty than! Enjoy the rest of the story <3

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Just a doodle that I drew of what imagine nights onesie to look like :) alrighty than! Enjoy the rest of the story <3

Nightmares POV:
Ugh.. hopefully this sleeping medicine crap isn't gon' happen every night.. he's not in the room for once, That's good. I took off my hood. God I never knew I'd be afraid of anyone till now.. he's honestly not that bad though.. WHAT AM I THINKING!? He's a psychopath. God he's getting to me. Than I sat up and felt a wing behind me. GAH?! I fell off the bed hitting the wall and there was a loud crack. ~OMG are you okay darling?~ I wiped the tears out of my eyes and nodded he picked me up and put me back on the bed and he was making sure I didn't crack anything. But I did crack the back of my head but he healed it

Swad's POV:
Thank god he didn't dust his hp right now is low.. I was healing my darling! Than after he started cuddling me I could tell he's tired and that also means he'd be sweeter today so that's good. I picked him up and brought him to the kitchen and put him in his chair I felt his for skull just Incase he has a fever.. and yep he did now I knew why he's sweeter today. I'm gonna start making the food now hmm grilled cheese would make a good brunch. ~you feeling any better darling?~ I heard him mumble Yea.. he was still in his onesie making him 10x cuter. After I gave it too him he gobbled it down like it was nothing. I was still on half a piece left.  After we both got donee I carried him to the living room with me since my paper work can wait. Inplus this is a rare occasion. We were watching a horror movie since he hasn't felt any negativity in a while I thought maybe that can help but he jumped at every single jump scare which is adorable. He fell asleep though not even 30 minutes in I felt his skull again to see if his fever has cooled down any it hasn't. When he wakes up I need to give my darling some medicine. I love him so much...

AHH IM DIEING OF CUTENESS btw the reason he was sweeter is because of the fever. When he gets to sick he gets more sweet anyways thanks for reading this chapter!

420 words

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