>>> Skull Aces <<<

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Hiii!!! I don't have much to say lol. I hope u enjoy!

Nightmare pov:
Let's see what clothes the damned pervert got me.. oh there's a note? I laid out two pairs of clothes you can pick either. Lest see then.. a light purple crop top and shorts or a onesie that is a black and white cat..? I'd rather be in the damn onesie than that fuckery. I changed into the onesie and went out the bathroom. Since it was next to the kitchen I saw him cooking. He turned to look at me and said ~Oh! Hey darling! I see that you picked the onesie.~ I just looked at him and said Why the hell did you lay out a crop top? ~well you'd look cute in it darling! But you look cute even in your normal clothes. I'm about done cooking so you can sit down if you'd like!~ I sat down in the light purple chair that was in front of me still feeling a bit sick with a bad skull ace. Swad placed what looked like cream of chicken soup and some sourdough bread . ~Dig in!~ as I was eating it I took a bite or two out of a piece of bread and realized there was that same powdered stuff as last time and I knew what was going to happen so I ate the soup as fast as I can hoping that would overpower the powder. But it did the opposite it just made me more tired. And instead of my legs being numb like it was last time I can't even feel them at all. After swad got done eating he asked me ~Did you enjoy the food darling?~ I just nodded yes afraid that he would punish me if I said no. He picked me up and was heading towards his room and he put the hood of the onesie up on me and smiled then sat me down. I looked beside to see what time it was it was only 10 pm. Because of that I tried my best to stay awake. ~darling I can tell your tired just go to sleep..~ I just stayed quiet the moved me more near him putting his arm around me tight and increasing is aura slightly. Because he was so warm and I felt so weak and sickly I nocked out in a instant..

Sci's pov:
You told them? Ink spoke up and said Yep! Well that saves me some time explaining. Dream? Dream looked at me i can tell he was exhausted. Yes? He said. You okay? You seem exhausted..? I'm fine. I guess he just being serious right now. Anyways the reason I called y'all here is because I got some more information from a little birdie. Almost automatically everyone started to look at me intently. Since I have a friend that lives in swap dream he told me he saw nightmare running out of one of swads windows. And that swad went after him immediately. He sent me a video of it. But what I noticed it the bracelet and collar he had on was glowing soon as he touched the grass. So that means it could be some type of tracking device. But my guess is that if it senses that nightmare is out of the house it will alert swad. But what I didn't get or understand is how the got the message that nightmare was out of the house. Because what I was thinking was maybe y'all can destroy the thing that alerts him that he's out.

Killer's pov:
Wow that's a lot of words that is hard to comprehend but I get it. Hey Sci! Can you show me the video again? I asked and he showed me it again it wasn't the best of quality videos but I noticed something.. the little sun charm that was infringe of his weird looking scarf was glowing. I pointed it out than sci said that he'll start digging into it to see if that was the source and complemented me on my observation. It turns out ink also noticed it but I could have just did that because he increased his aura but we were all not sure. Horror asked when he can cook because he was hungry.. I said soon because I was slightly hungry too. Than blue spoke up and asked what we want to eat because he and horror can make godly meals together.
              When they got back to the castle
Blues POV:
How about we fix spaghetti and Alfredo noodles? Horror nodded and said I'm honestly down to make that. I can make some garlic bread to go with it! Like how boss used to like me to fix it.. I looked at dream and killer I saw that dream nodded showing that he was up for it and killer just stood there.. he's probably really hungry because he didn't even eat his lunch. After that Horror and I was working in the kitchen.

Dust's POV:

I need to find a way how to cheer everyone up.. I'm not a big fan of being around positivity but I'm hating how down everyone is the only happy one here is ink. oh I'm suppose to ask ink about what happen when they went to sci's since I had to stay here and make sure that error was resting. Hey ink can you tell me what new info we got? I asked. I looked at error because he was right beside me on the couch playing Mario kart but it was paused and he was looking at ink. After ink explained I came up with a idea to take everyone's minds off of what has been happening! We can watch a movie! So I asked every one if they wanted to do a movie night and everyone agreed. I heard blue say Oh! A movie night! I can make muffins can cookies for everyone to eat while I do it! I can make the cookies while you make the muffins! Oh god horrors cookies are worse than hardcore whiskey.. ill live I'm always up for cookies and milk!

And THATS THE END OF THAT CHAPTER!! That took forever!! God I'm happy its done ill try to post tomorrow :D

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