This is just some info

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Here's some info about my au! Swad and dream used to be best friends since childhood until nightmare ate the apple. Than they completely forgot about each other. But something that swad didn't forget is nightmare. Since he was younger he has always loved nightmare.And nightmare has never loved him back. But because of this swad by the day that nightmare has took a bite out of the apple has been waiting and has grew impatient for nightmare to love him. He also stalked nightmare every single day. And would figure out what his fav food was or the tv channel he watched the most and he also figured out taht he favored killer. Even though swad wanted nightmare to be happy he didn't like how close them two where getting and was planning the day he took nightmare and when he will have to introduce himself to nightmares squad. But on nightmares side he never even really payed attention to swad. He knew him as the annoying kid that hung out with dream. And since he knew that swad could knock him out in a instant he didn't attack him unless it was necessary. That's all I wanted to say thanks!

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