>>>> The Plan <<<<

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    Hiya! I'll be trying to update as much as I can. I probably won't be posting as much as I want but I'll try! Thank you and enjoy.

Dream's pov:
So killer your telling me that when swad walked through the portal you noticed nightmare in a bed asleep with a collar on him? Killer nodded yes and I just looked at him he had a cut on his face it looked like it was bleeding. Hey killer, you kinda have blood dripping down your face.. killer put his hand on his cheek and looked at me and said Meh it doesn't hurt I'm more worried about saving boss than a lousy old cut. He really does love my brother. When I looked behind me to check on error and blue to my surprise error was asleep on blues shoulder and was bandaged up.

Crosses pov:
Okay so what do you mean by a short alliance? Than ink spoke up. Since it would be dumb to fight while y'all are trying to save somebody aka y'all's boss we need to team up so we can get to him faster and more efficiently. What? I can't comprehend what's all happening we just alliances with the stars, boss is kidnapped, and error is letting people touch him?! This is.. wacky. *sigh* we will do it. Ink poked his head up and had stars in his eyes. Wait really? Alrighty then let's get nightmare back! He yelled than all I heard is horror and dream saying YEA! At the same time I thought it was hilarious. I wonder how boss is felling right now..

Nightmares pov:
I didn't notice how long of a nap I took.. Aye! Bird brain. ~Yes darling?~ How long was I fucking out? ~hmm probably..3 hours why are you asking darling?~ oh he let me sleep for that long?!okay than ,I replied. I still felt like shit since that collar. ~oh! Darling i forgot to ask do you want to go to the library?~ eh I would honestly mind that right now. Why not? I said than this bitch is picking me up like a small child?! SWAD PUT ME DOWN?! ~Never!~ he dropped me off by the library and I read all the books in there than I noticed something.. the window it's open! I can escape! Soon as I hop out of the window I start running al all of a sudden I feel a ton of paint rising to my head and wings behind me. ~where do you think your going?~

ANOTHER CLIFF HANGER! Alr I'm gonna head to sleep now gn guys!

441 words

Come on, Darling (swadmare) OLD VERSION Where stories live. Discover now