>>>Getting information<<<

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Error's POV:
A day or two have passed since we found out the name of the au he's in. We were also able to help killer a little bit.. I couldn't help much since I didn't want to touch him because you know, I'll crash. We just hope that he'll be back to his dumb happy self. But about nightmare, as I said we found the au he's in but sci said he's not sure, and that he can't tell us till he knows that nightmare is in the au. But we are going to be meeting up with sci in his lab today so maybe we can find out more of where night is at; I was sitting in the living room with dream and horror just watching the news while blue,killer, and dust was in the kitchen cooking breakfast. Cross is.. well wherever he is, I'll go look for him later, And ink is in the void just painting and really just doing whatever. I zoned out till I heard dreams phone ringing. "Hello?" Dream said. "Hi dream I was wondering if you'd get the others to come to my lab this morning. I think I've found the solution to getting nightmare back." It was sci, if anything that sounded like amazing news "Alrighty! What time do you expect for us to be there?" I just stared at dream for a couple of seconds till sci answered saying "Does 9:30am sound good?" "We can make it happen, thanks for calling. Cya in a minute sci." And dream hung up and asked me to go tell the others to get ready to leave. It's a little bit of a problem that I don't know where cross is at, if anything I haven't even seen him sense.. our last encounter with swad. I told everyone it was time to go and I found cross too, he was already at sci's place so he's the least of our worries.

Cross' pov:
"So sci your telling me that to get to this demention your talking about we will have to risk somebody?" I was a bit shocked Since usually the only time sci would tell the whole plan is when everyone is here but, I guess he didn't care today. "Precisely, if anything only ink and error can reach these dementions. But I'll explain it more thoroughly when everyone gets here." Than I saw a portal open up beside the door having everyone walk through "Ah! Just on time." I could tell taht sci was in a great mood today. "So. Any good news you need to tell us?" Killer asked, "Yes actually, everyone please take a seat for this will take a minute." Everyone sat down and I checked who all was here. When I was scanning the room I noticed that killer looked a bit more hopeful today. And that dream didn't look like he just rolled out of bed for once. "Every one here?" Error looked at sci and nodded "Good, pay attention. I will not be telling this plan again." All eyes went to sci as he started talking. "To get nightmare back as you know he is in a different dimension and it will be very hard to find him, but I've found a cheat to maybe even a wormhole to getting there but, that would involve someone risking there self to do this. For Ink and Error have to both spawn a portal to the au at the same time  and at the same au to Eva bow to reach dimensions. But only 3 people can enter the portal at the same time." Everyone got quiet as sci was taking a deep breath. "Does anyone have any questions?" I popped up and asked "Okay that sounds good but, when we get nightmare out wouldn't swad know because elf the thangymado on his neck?" "That's a good question ,Cross, really the only way of getting him out without his tracker going off is someone breaking the tracker off of either nightmare,or swad.  But my friend that I was talking about last time we met up that recorded the video was talking to me the other day saying that they think that swad has gotten well.. rougher with nightmare. That when they pass swads house every time nightmare gets more rough looking and more unhealthy."

Dream's pov:
Wait did I hear that right? Oh got we need to hurry up with this it's been almost 5 months since nights been gone and all we've done is mopped around! "Sci?" "Yes dream?" "When is the soonest we can try to put that plan in action." Sci looked at me with dreadful eyes and said "Very soon, I was getting to that actually. I was hoping we could try to put the plan into action this weekend. But to do that I need to keep Error,ink, and cross here with me." I looked over at cross and he darted up "Why do I need to stay here?! I've been here all week already!" "We are going to try to break nightmares tracking charm ahead of time. And we will need you to right now the one that's going to do that. You've always been the most quietest out of all of us here, and we are going to be putting your quietness ,strength, and stealth to the test here." "Okay." I could tell that cross didn't want to do any of this but he had to save nightmare. I just scan beat another day without my little bro. I'll never let him out of my sight again or let anyone hurt him every again. "So everyone meet up on Saturday because we are getting swads ass whooped."

963 words
AHH IM SO SORRY FOR JOT POSTING IN SO LONG! School has got me wrapped up but I'm planning on actually finishing this book very soon for y'all. So eat up while you can children👹

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