>>The encounter<<

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Hiya! This is just a heads up I will probably be trying to do as much as I can to continue this book so please be patient with this! That's all I needed enjoy :)

Errors pov:
GoDdAmmn WhErre ThE hElL iS hE?! Cross popped his head up and said I found some of his goop. That means he could be some where near by. We followed his goop trail and found a feather that was full of positivity. After that horror noticed something and looked like something was eating him.. guilt even maybe? HeeYy HoRRor YoU OkkAay? Oh. Yea I'm fine I kinda just. I don't know. I'm. Worried? WeLl DoNnT. WeeLL fInnD hIM. WaIt WHO IS THAT?

Cross's pov:
That sentence sounded awfully clear at least for error. I turned behind me and saw a bird that looked like dream. Who are you. I said as calmly as I can, ~well you know.. so y'all are my darling's henchmen.?~ what did he mean by that? Did he mean boss?!

Killer's pov:
Oh that bitch did not just call dad DARLING?! I yelled WHAT DID YOU DO TO HIM?! DO YOU WANT HIM FOR RANSOM OR- I was interrupted by the tall skeleton that had wings ~No! Of course not, I just took him where he belongs.~ he said seductively Who the hell does he think he is?!Than error gave all of us the signal to attack. The star sanses where also there.Soon as I almost hit him with my knife he increased his positivity aura making us all fall to the ground when I looked at error he looked.. weak? Hurt even. Since the bird bitch threw his lighting bolt looking spear at him it looked like it damaged his arm. I could tell taht dream felt power but he was to terrified the move that he froze in the moment. Than I noticed that he was about to walk through a portal and I saw boss on a bed asleep? But he had a collar on him?! That's cruel. Soon as he went through the portal I ran towards error to see if he was okay.

Nobody's pov:
Than the bad guys noticed the star sans where here. Blue was helping error even though he has a phobia of being touched he was in too much pain to even care about it. Ink was talking to cross and horror asking them what had happened and dream was talking to killer.

Dreams pov:
I-I saw what happened. Killer looked at me than I could feel how tense and worried he was I was also worried. My brother was kidnapped for whatever reason. But, by the looks of it or at least what I recall. Me and swad used to be good friends. I also knew he was obsessed with my brother. And I thought nothing of it it's been years since that though.. hopefully he doesn't hurt him.

492 words. This isn't as long as all the other chapters and I'm very sorry about that 😅 I was kind of on a rush lately so I'll try to keep posting.

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