>>> The Alliance <<<

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   HII!! This part with have some sensitive subjects as in rape and manipulation. You have been warned you can skip this chapter if you'd like that's all I have to say. Enjoy!

Nightmare pov:
Mhh.. my head. What happened? Why does my legs feel so numb? When I looked at my legs I noticed that my shorts were off. DID THAT BASTARD R@p€ ME?! I tried to stand up but I could get enough balance to stand for too long. I saw swad by the corner of my eye and he was smirking. ~ You look so beautiful darling!~ huh? OH SHIT I FORGOT MY SHORTS WERE OFF. I leaned down and grabbed my shorts with one hand and the other covering the "spot" What the actual hell swad did you FUCKING R&P€ ME?! WHAT WERE U THINKING?! I yelled. All he has to say was ~oh darling you shouldn't have tried to sneak out than. I had to punish you somehow.~ the bird bitch said in a flirty tone. Punish me?! PUNISH ME?! YOUR THE ONE THAT NEEDS TO BE PUNISHED NOT ME! God this is making my non existent throat sore. And all he had to say was ~Now,Now! Your probably so fussy because you haven't had a bath ain't it?~ I mean I do feel dirty being around him for this long I just nodded my head to the idea of taking a bath and he lead me to the bathroom. ~Alrighty! We are here I'll come back so I can give you some clean clothes.~ I just need to hope that he doesn't bring back anything sexual like. As I was getting in the shower I was thinking about my group hopefully they haven't burned the castle down yet..

Errors pov:
*stretches*  Oh my lord my arm.. did the peacock bitch get me that hard? Well at least it's good to know that blues a good metic.. I can't believe I didn't crash while he was doing it. I heard a door open it was just cross he sat on the bed, he was right beside me Hey, you feeling alright error? YyEa, j-JuSst TiIrrEed. I mean I'm not lying I am tired. But my arm is also hurting like shit. Um this might sound surprising but we decided to make a short alliance to the star sanses while nightmare is..well.yea. EhH I rReeAlLy DoN't CcARe JusT tEll THe sQquid n0t g€T cClloose Me Ggot 1t? Okay. I heard a yell that sounded like blue and horror in the kitchen saying that they made lunch. After everyone got done eating I noticed how ruff looking dream and killer looked.

Crosses pov:
Dream,killer y'all okay? Killer looked at me than smiled and put a thumbs up. While dream said Oh I'm fine. Don't worry 'bout it. Dreams voice sounded very monotone. I could tell that everyone was either tired hurt or worried for what will happen next.. I would honestly wouldn't even be worried for killer but he didn't even touch his food..he's usually the first one done eating..I looked at ink to see if he was alright he just looked like he was happy just to be here. At least some one woke up in a good mood. Than I heard him say Okay so guys I have a plan but y'all are going to have to hear me out. Everyone turned to look at him and listen. Last night I got some more information about the guy that took nightmare. And that he's from the au swap dream but it looks like it's in a different multiverse and that multiverse is hard to get to. The only ones that can access it is the monsters in that universe and the creators. But sci has found out a way to help us and said that he'll get more information soon. The room just got dead silent than horror popped up with a question. But how does the sci guy know all this stuff?? Ink sighed and said that he asked the same question but sci ignored it. Killer said It's settled then we will go with that for now but what if it back fires in the process. We need a back up plan just in case. Well that is true we do need one. But we will figure that out in the future. Ink said.

Killers pov:
This is stupid! We need a backup like how boss always wanted us too! Ugh..I'm worried about him. What is that bird brain think he is? Next time I see him I'll rip his soul out..

ANND THE END OF THAT CHAPTER!! This took a while to think of and I'm very proud of it lol. Sorry if this chapter was too long.

806 words

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