>>>> I wonder where he is<<<<

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Killer's pov:
It's been a while since blue found the cuts on my wrist but I could tell he believed what I said. After a while horror wanted me and dust to cook with him so we did. It wasn't really the same since nightmare usually cooked with us.. but I was having a good time,it's been a while since I felt alive. When I was putting the muffins in the oven horror looked a bit shocked and I wondered why than he walked up to me..

Horror's pov:
Please don't be what I think it is please don't be what I think it is.. and it was I had pulled up killer's sleeve to reveal cuts some looked slightly old and some looked new. I felt my hands shaking and killer confused till he looked down and realized that his sleeve was up and I can see the pain in his eyes because I put my finger on me of the cuts. He jerked his arm away. "Killer. Did you do those to yourself..?" I tried my best to keep calm and make sure me nore him would break down. I knew that he's been well, "off" since boss left.. but I didn't know I'd go this far.

Dusts pov:
I looked to my side because I was bored waiting for the muffins and I saw killer's arm jerk away from horrors hand. Than I saw it.. cuts. I got off the bar stool I was sitting on and I was trying to talk to killer to get him to calm down.. I've cut myself in the past so I knew how much it hurt when someone touches it. But he kept saying "Everything is fine I'm fine it's just a lousy old cut it ain't doin' anything." "Killer, answer my question did you make these cuts yourself..?"I wasn't the best at comforting people but I learned a thing or two about doing so. I saw a tear run down killer's skull as a nodded yes. I still can't believe he actually tried to pull a stunt like that..

Blues pov:
I was walking across the kitchen since I just got done using the bathroom an I overheard a conversation it sounded like dust, and horror and one other person but I can't quiet see them or hear them very well... "Please never 𝙉𝙀𝙑𝙀𝙍 do that again.." it sounded like crying and it was coming from dust it's rare atleast for me to hear him cry so I knew it had to be something serious. "I- I'll try not to." "No don't try just don't do it." wait is that.. Killer? I wonder what is even happening "Once these are done we are gonna have a little chat but for now I'll go grab the first aid kit. Horror try to calm him done and make sure you keep his arms still." I heard dust say. Why are they- oh. Oh god. I thought to myself when I peaked over the side of the wall.

 I thought to myself when I peaked over the side of the wall

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I gasped, covered my mouth, than went back behind the wall. I knew he has cuts but, I actually tried to believe him when he told me otherwise. They looked worse an looked like there were more than what you could imagine. Some coming sideways and some coming vertical. Ididnt want to be rude but it looked like a tic-tac-toes board that a 5 year old drew. Killer was trying to convince horror that it's not what it looks like but it is. Horror was trying to reassure killer saying "it's alright just please 𝙉𝙀𝙑𝙀𝙍 scare us like this again." I was thinking about just coming out an helping killer because I felt horrible just hiding. But a nice walk outside sounded good I'll talk to killer later about what I witnessed.

Nightmare's POV:
God this man makes my skull ache. Okay so I've been sick for like a full on week an he keeps fucking saying "Why can't you always stay as sweet a you were when you were sick." that bitch wa going on an on about it. He was starting to get on my last nerve. "Can you just shut the actual fuck up?! I can't even think with your loud mouth going." "That's not too nice is it darling?" I hate how much emphasis he put on darling. "I think I need to give you... a little punishment." he picked me up.. "LET ME GO BASTARD!" I yelled an yelled but the chicken little with bright orange wings wouldn't let me go. !!! Warning RAPE is coming skip If needed!!! He layed me on the bed and summoned hand cuffs that wrapped around my wrist and onto the bed. The snappe his fingers and my clothes were off. What the fuck does he think he is?! "WHAT THE FUCK SWAD LET ME GO!" I felt a gagball be put in my mouth and he started pulling down his pants and boxers oh great asgore.
!!!! Warning over you can now start reading again!!!!

Dusts POV:
     *grunting* "I now the medicine hurts but it will help ya killer." I heard horror say I was putting rubbing alcohol on killers wrists an damn he fucked up his wrists pretty bad. "Horror, the timer for the muffins are going off." "OH SHIT I FORGOT ABOUT THE MUFFINS!" I threw away the cotton ball which had the alcohol on it an starting bandaging his wrists up. "You gonna have to keep these on for a while. But in a week in gonna change you bandage out. Your cuts seems pretty rough."" I'm sorry. " killer said he started sobbing a little bit." Don't say that. It's down just don't do that again ya hear me? "." MUFFINS ARE DONE EVERYONE! " horror screamed. I rolled back down killers sleeve and grabbed a muffin. Almost everyone wa in the kitchen except blue. I wonder where he is..

993 words
AHH I'M SO SORRY FOR NOT POSTING!! And I would have done better onbthe drawing I wasn't in the beach fucking trying not to be sunburned. Anyways thanks for reading!

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