>>>The Final Retreat<<

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Inks pov:
Today's the day. We are putting sci's plan into action. We have a couple extra hours till we are able to do it so, we are just mentally preparing ourselves. Error seems a bit nervous of all of this but, soon enough he'll realize that it's gonna work out just- "Alrighty! It's almost time for us to save nightmare!" Sci barges in and almost knocks down Cross. "Jesus no matter how many times you say that, it's sounds weird as fuck." I mean I don't blame Cross for feeling that way. I've never heard anyone say "let's go save nightmare." Or "lets go help nightmare" for the king of negativity he's pretty good at holding his own. At this point I don't even think we would ever be fighting again. Or at least in a long time. "Hey Sci?" "Yes Cross?" "Can Fresh tag along with us?" Oh great. I looked over at Error who was nervous enough. And he looked like he could crash at any falling minute. "I don't think it's a good idea, he can stay with dream and me in the lab if he likes though!" Cross looked a bit disappointed but he still understood why sci didn't want fresh to go. "Yo! Wassup ink?" Fresh pulled a chair out and sat down beside me. "Nothing much just, gonna go save my rival from a crazy glowing peacock." Fresh chuckled and just looked at error looking slightly concerned, "Error, bruh your not lookin' to good right now you okay broski?" "Yes I'm fine, just fuck off." Well some one is in a mixed mood today. "Ya know brah, if you eva need to talk' in here." Error just rolled his eyes and continued doing what eh was doing before. "He's okay just a a bit nervous at the moment." I whispered to fresh he just nodded and got out of the chair and started heading towards the lab to talk to dream and killer. "Alrighty. Everyone ready?" Sci asked. Everyone nodded till we got interrupted by killer. " Wait can I go too?" "Fine. But please be quiet." After sci was giving everyone confusing instructions, but he did say he'd text it all to error just in case we forgot.

Nightmare's pov:
Jesus I'm hurting like shit and I'm starving like hell right now. At this point I've kinda given up on my gang. They will never save me and swad was right about that. All I can do is sit and endure what's happening to me. I feel and look rough as fuck. Things have also got worse. I can barely even stand at this point; swad has broken it and healed my legs too many times to count. I'm going to ask him if I can take a bath soon since I've been 'sO gOoD lAtElY' may be I can or can't. I'm just praying I can. There's so much dried blood I need to scrape off of me; it's getting in the way and its annoying when I try to move. Than I saw swad walk into the room. "How's my darling been doing?" "Swad I told you to please stop calling me that." "And if I don't..?" I just stood there knowing I couldn't do anything even if I tried. "Exactly." He said on a smart assy tone. "Hey uhm.. since I've been good lately ; may I hop in the shower.?" Swad chuckles and just looks down at nightmare giving him a slight death stare. "Not after saying I need to stop calling you by you name darling! And I was about to say I need to hop in the shower before anything else." He left the room just having me on the bed not able to do anything but think. I'm getting tired of life at this point. I just want to go home to my goons.. meh some sleep maybe couldn't hurt.

Killer's pov:
It's time. I'm finally going to get my best friend, back. I felt like I was going crazy with out him; I was crazy enough as it was I didn't need to go any more insaner than I already am. I don't want to end up like asylum... cross budged my shoulder saying " Alright. It's finally time to go Killer. Let's go kick ass." I nodded and hopped through the portal hoping for the best. When I came out of the portal it seemed we were right inside of the mansion that nightmare was at. "Alright remember the plan. Killer try to distract swad if we run into him." I nodded and we started exploring the manor. With everyone split up within each floor of the mansion. Error went to look in the basement, I'm looking in the second floor ,and cross and dream is looking at the third floor. As I was looking around the bright, golden, manor I heard some noises that sounded like a shower coming from the door next to me. I looked underneath the door and was hoping it was nightmare taking the shower, but it looked like to be too foggy to even see.. how hot does this damn shower have to be?! I slowly got back up and quietly crept away from the steamy door. Still looking mindlessly around the manor; till I felt a hot hand on my shoulder "where do you think your going?" "Well uh.." it was swad he looked like he just got out of the shower. I was trying to stall trying to make small talk etc. till I noticed that his wings weren't quite glowing at the moment; and his charm wasn't on him. Praise god. "Well let's get this over with." He pulled out his lightning bolt thingy and his halo started heading towards him. Well shit. I pulled out my knives and we started fighting but I was too fast for his 'liking' "Ha! Slow poke." "Shut up; you look like you just put on mascara just to cry." "Ouch that hurt!"I was obviously being very sarcastic while trying to fight till I saw error heading up the stairs I felt like yelling just so error could hear me. Till I felt a sharp pain in my arm. I tried to hold in the tears and the yells but it hurt too much "AHHHHH" I yelled like I was being murdered I was in too much pain to think; I just grabbed my knife with my good hand and started trying to attack again. But the pain was to irritating. Error hopped in and helped me fight. Error got a bit hurt himself but he didn't seem to care about it. He was honestly more focused on making sure that I wasnt dead and to tie up swad with his strings. Sci told us not to kill swad but I wanted to SO BAD. Error just gave me the signal to just go that he's got this. So I went and kept looking opening every door I can seeing if I could find nightmare I need to find him fast before error turns into French toast. Until I got a text from dream and cross saying the found him but can't seem to get him to wake up and they couldn't get the golden chains off of him without hurting themselves or hurting him. So I was running up the stairs and was about to call error and tell him until I looked behind me he was following me; but he was hurt awfully. "G0 5H3aD 0f m3 !'ll B€ f1n€." "I'm not leaving without you error." "Okay just be quick I'm not too sure how long the strings will hold swad off." We both started running up towards the room that we were told that nightmare was in. We entered the room seeing nightmare. He looked.. horrible. He had dried blood all over his knees and arms, it looked like his head was cracked awfully, and the worse part was we were still trying to find out a way to get the chains off of him. Until dream and I finally came up with a way to get the chains off of him. I took out my knife and dream took out one of his arrows. We were trying to pick lock his chains. Until we heard the door trying to break down. Shit we have to hurry "C^n Y03 tw2 H3£€¥ TH3 A€73AL F$&/ UP!" " We are trying!?" I was able to unlock both of nights ankles and dream was on the last arm. When dream finally finished the door broke down. "ERROR DROP THE PORTAL QUICKLY!" Dream yelled as loud as he can clearly panicked and I just picked up nightmare with cross helping me. And trying to buy some time with swad. The portal was spawning with both him and ink trying to drop one. Finally ink was able to get a portal open to sci's lab everyone ran in and closed the portal right in front of swads face. "W-we did it." I was stammering in my words because of how much pain I was in. "Yep! All thanks to you guys; I did barely anything but y'all did great!" Sci walked into the room and just realizing that almost everyone was hurt. He took nightmare from both me and cross's arm(s) and helped everyone to head into his 'healing room' he put nightmare on a table and was checking his pulse etc. I was looking at everyone in the room. Fresh looked very worried for all of us, Dream looked like he was the happiest man in the world seeing this bro again, and error looked like he could pass out form exhaustion any minute. Inks just in the corner seeing what he could do ;than there's just cross which looked like he just witnessed war happen. "Fresh, can you start looking at the others wounds?" "Sure bro!" He started rooking at my arm (the one which got stabbed) "brah your arm is definitely fractured.I'm going to go grab the first aid kit so sit tight broski!" I looked over towards nightmare he was laying on a chair being bandaged up by sci. Until sci looked at me and said "I know your happy we got nightmare back but, did you.. dust swad?" I froze for a minute realizing that we didn't dust swad and that nightmare could still be in danger "No, didn't you want us to just get nightmare and leave?" He just looked at night and said "Well than, since the glowing fur ball is still out there we just need to make sure night doesn't get taken again." I felt like there was a lump in my nonexistent throat when sci said that. 'AGAIN?' I can't endure al of this again. "Yo brah you okay?" It was fresh. "I guess I just zoned out there, sorry." He looked at me dead in the eye and said "No need to say sorry brah, anyways let's get you all bandaged up." As he was bandaging me I noticed that sci was done with nightmare and went on to error patching him up; honestly he looks like he could crash any moment. "Anywhere else ya hurting?" I mean other than my skull ache- "No." "Okay brah imma go work on dream." I nodded and went to go sit next to nightmare which is either asleep or passed out from blood loss.

Cross's pov:
Finally we got boss home after all of this long dreadful time. He's home. I still felt horrible in my knees since the asshole of a bird knocked me over when I was walking up his stairs. Until I heard a crowd of people barge through the door. "We came as soon as we heard!" The rest of the gang was here. Everyone was walking around the room either at error,Dream, killer,or night. Until horror walked over and started talking to me. "Ah good job on getting boss back." "Thanks horror." I haven't talked since I've got back here's no I noticed how soar my throat felt. "You want some water? I always have spares on me!" I nodded and chugged the water. "Hey slow down your gonna fucking choke!" "Sorry, just thirsty." "I could tell." We all got settled down including errors non-touchy ass. And was getting ready to head back to the base until sci spoke up and said. "Now before you guys head off there's something important I need to tell y'all." Everyone's eyes immediately went to sci. "Since nightmares legs were so damaged just make sure to keep a eye on him for a while. Make him rest and maybe do something fun with him once he wakes up." We all just nodded I put nightmare in my arms and we started heading back to the manor. I laid nightmare down on his clean bed until we all got called to eat dinner. I headed down the stairs and sat down at the counter. Horror made a big fancy meal. We were all about to dig in until ink stood up with his BEER? Omg who fucking gave him beer. "Thank you all for asking us to help find you boss and since we have him back I think we should have a toast!" He lifted up his beer and he's definitely drunk at this point. But everybody listened and lifted up there drink. "To the Final Retreat!"

2252 words.
OMG AHHH!!! THE BOOK IS ALMOST DONE AHSVUSBSUS. This will not be the last chapter of the book but the last chapter will most likely be the next chapter sooooooo. KEEP YALLS ASSES UP!

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