The Deal

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     "You're Legend's old lawyer, right?" I questioned as I walked up on the man. It's my turn now to get some shit started. Earlier, when I did some sells, I felt ... I guess, out of place would be the word, not something I'm used to at the moment. If I didn't have Legend, I probably would be a natural right now. It's different from when I was forced to sell while in school, as oppose to being out on the open streets. Legend and I came back to the law firm and waited 'til it was just that last man standing. As the main lights inside were cut off, he made his exit to the back lonely parking lot, where his car sat in isolation. With no security camera in the back, it played right into our hand.

     "Yes, I --." Didn't even give him a chance to respond any further, I cracked him over the head with a tire iron.

     "You were just about to give me his damn money. Where did you think you were heading to? You knew we were coming back."

      "Ms. I -- I have it just, please."

     "Where the fuck is it?"

     Reaching into his pocket, he pulled out a small bundle. "This is all I have."

      "Three hundred funky dollars, my guy, are you serious?" I reached to my waist band and pulled out my glock. "Do it look like I'm fucking playing?"

     "Please, let me just get to my car, I might have extra."

     "Don't play no games with me, get it, with no crazy movements, you heard?!" I steadily aimed at him as he reached into his car, pulling out an extra three hundred. "It didn't need to be difficult, you know this isn't enough, but it'll do for now. Legend says enjoy the party favor." I ran off, meeting Legend around the corner, I had an adrenaline rush like no other.

     "Damn, you handled yourself pretty good." Legend complimented.

     "I can't believe I just did that, it was almost like I wasn't myself!"

     "Sometimes, you have to take it there, don't think, just do it. You looked real good, damn good."

    "I might not be as good as you selling, but I damn sure found my niche."

     "So, we both clear, you know what I'm looking for tomorrow now that we have it all?"

     "Yes," I rolled my eyes with a smile. "One thing about me is I keep my promises, no matter what, you'll get it. But I want you to wine and dine me first! We did not work this hard just for a quickie. You said it yourself, I was selling myself short." I smiled, placing my hand on his chest.

     Legend smiled, scratching the back of his head. "That won't be a problem for me, I'll see you at six, so don't be late. But since you have requirements for me, I have some for you. I want you to dress nice, fresh shower, I want it shaved, I want --"

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