Kiss It Better

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Graduation is nothing more than a week away, I passed my exams with flying colors and was offered a few scholarships. Shit, not that I need it, but I'll take it. I'm looking forward to moving on. My family is good, Legend has been out of the picture for some time now, and to top it all off, we purchased a beautiful out in California. My mother is ending her search behind trying cast blame on Morgana for my father's death. Whatever really happened, I can't say, it's too late anyway. It's not too far fetched to say some female weaseled her way into his heart, throwing him off his game.

What my mother doesn't know is Morgana is moving out to California as well. Personally, I'm happy my baby sister can remain in my life, as long as I'm alive I'm sure I'll be the glue to keeps everybody together. My mother probably despises every single breath that she draws, but I love Luna and I hope I would still feel the same way if my father was here to deal with his dirt.

     With life taking me on a new path, I hope the people that I let enter my life don't make the choice to abandon me when the shit hits the fan. Losing people in my life is taking its toll, the ones that I thought were the real ones turned their back on me. Legend included, I'm hurt for that, but I really do hope he's safe. If there is a new guy coming my way, he damn sure won't be a Legend, but I'll make sure he's better.

I've emptied all my emotions of him, it'll be easier leaving him behind. I never made a deep connection with anybody like I have with him. He was best at capturing my soul. Being with him is like we are one in the same, I was in love. Keyword was, it wasn't like that high school sweetheart type of love. You know, the love when you're young and think it will last forever but really he ain't thinking like that. College right around the corner, so you know it is about to be open season for his ass. Nah, it was a seasoned type of love. Neither one looking for it, but we still found each other. It took it's time to get it right, nothing came easy.

Before leaving the apartment to head to the gym, I needed to grab my keys. My mother is out with my brothers, doing God knows what. I don't know when they'll be back but they went all the way to New Jersey for the day. As I cut the lights to the living room it was a knock at the door.
"Who is it?" It's too early for my mother to be back, besides she would have her key if it was her.

"No speak the English." The person said.

"No, get access to my fucking apartment." I mimicked.

"Skye, it's me." Legend laughed.

My heart damn near jumped out my chest, I didn't want to open the door. "Stop playing games on my damn door."

"Skye, I'm sorry, okay? I was going to leave you, I'll admit. You wasn't going to accept, nor see, what I was trying to do, I didn't have a choice. If you open the door, you'll see why, I didn't want some shit like this to happen to you."

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