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Things have been moving pretty damn fast between Legend and I, baby boy hit me with GED papers and the L word all in the same night. His level of commitment has been real. I feel like I walked into the life of my soulmate. Something that as once was a business deal, turned into a whirlwind romance. We bonded over real shit and been there for each other in the worse situations. Everything has moved us one step closer in this relationship. If only my family relationship could be this damn good.

"Excuse you? Where do you think y'all going?" My mother stopped us at the door. It's been a while since we last saw Luna. Elliot has been asking about her and Jaceon could really care less. Usually, I take them with me no problem, I guess my mother is putting two and two together now.

"Legend and I going to spend time with the boys."

"Do I look like a fool to you? You going to see her, aren't you?"

That's a question you should've been asking Daddy, not me, maybe we wouldn't have this additional family member sharing our bloodline. "Yeah, what of it? The boys wanted to see their sister."

"I'm coming to!" In a mad dash, my mother grabbed her jacket.

"Hell no, for you to start shit?"

"I'm not going to do nothing, just a friendly conversation, and I wanna see the kid." After thirty minutes of going back and forth, my mother bullied her way to coming along, this is going to be a long trip and I don't have time for the drama. After the long ride upstate, my mother already was steaming when we drove into her neighborhood, very nice, rich area, not close to what we used to live in. You couldn't tell us anything negative about the city life. Up here though, it's fresh air and just beautiful all around. This is going to be a hard pill to swallow for my mother.

"I brought a guest, it's no confrontation, she wanted to come with neutral intentions."

My mother gazed looking around the estate, the color in her face slowly washed around. Everything in the room was more or less from my father, things that rightfully should've been ours after death. I could tell her mind was thinking the same thing I thought first coming here, this nigga really had her living comfortable while we lived in the slums. Whatever he says his intentions were behind doing it, it wasn't right, especially knowing you have other kids. My mother stared meagerly at Luna, who immediately took to Elliot, she had strong attributes of my father's genes, there was no denying that. Probably her main reason for coming was to do a visual DNA test just to see if she came from him.

"Can I get you a cup of coffee?" Morgana asked.
Bitch, you took my husband from me, had me living like a damn animal and you want to know if I want coffee? Nah, bitch, you got the game fucked up! I want you to shrink that little girl back down to a microorganism and put her back in my husband's nut sack. I want to grab you by your blonde Satanist hair and beat the smell of my husbands dick of your face. I want to kick you in your ass where he fucked you in. I want to euthanize your ass like the dog you are for sleeping with a married man. If you missing him as bad as I am, trust, sweetheart, I can send you up there to his ass. When do you want your funeral arranged? "I'm good," she answered, knowing the many things she wished she could say.

"Boys, I ordered a pizza, I'm sure you're hungry. It's some buffalo wings and cinnamon stix in the microwave, help yourself."

"How has she been?" I asked.

"Good, good, we visited the doctor yesterday. Everything is checked out fine, she's tall for her age the doctor said. Somebody is going to be tall like Daddy."

Bitch, don't do it, was written all over my mother's face. "I wouldn't doubt it."

My mother looked over at the picture of Morgana and my father together, they looked like the pictures that are in the frame already before you buy them. They were holding hands, looking at each other, smiling.

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