The Run Around

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My ass is trapped in the worse scenario possible, but I'm forced to fight through. God, for some reason, always drags me through the mud. My life is the definition of hell. Between watching my mother getting beat to death, my sister blaming me for her death, and her own downfall, and seeing no other alternative to surviving on my own so I had to sell drugs which lead me to get locked up. Maybe I deserve this, I blew my second chance, so this is the price I got to pay. Somebody told me before that God doesn't throw things at you that you can't handle. Guess I can testify to that being true, but damn, does He have to keep fucking challenging like this?

"Is it true what they say?" Vick asked, we were out on another run. Day two of this bullshit and I still don't know exactly how I got myself into this.

"Is what true?"

"You was the youngest in the game to reach a mil before getting locked up?"

"Who is they? I don't know who they is that said that. I let people believe what they want to believe." Don't know how the fuck he would have heard that.

"Must have been nice, grinding to get all that dough especially at age what? Sixteen?"

"Something like that, yeah, whatever I did I didn't have no gun in my back forcing me to do it either. Niggas think that it's easier to stay alive working and doing whatever the top cut throat niggas says, but that same dude that picked you up out of the streets, is the same dude who won't hesitate to leave your ass right back where he found you or worse."

"Whatever puts food on the table."

"I rather put food on my own table, not be spoon fed some buttered brotherhood bullshit. In this game, there is no together we stand, it's just one nigga working off our backs." I need to watch what I say, I could be showing my hand right now, cutting off my own tongue. Or maybe I could also be on to something, rebellion could be a stepping stone in freeing myself from this gig.

"Here's the place," Vick said, as we pulled up to the location. "Act cool and don't speak much."

"I know the routine, nigga."

"Look, I don't know what routine you follow, but De Paul has his own way for us to conduct business. Now you are going to do it his way, so my ass can stay alive, don't try no shit in here."

"You can shut the fuck up and sit back, I do shit my way or I don't do it at all." It was a simple mission, well simple in the words of De Paul. We were to strike a business deal with the second leading drug pusher in Philly, he sent us in case things got out of hand. If things goes south, we pull the trigger. I didn't want any part of this though, I only pull a trigger for protection, not leverage. I'm nobody to play God and decide when someone gets to continue to live.

"Boys, boys. So glad of you to make it, that is so like that Haitian nigga not to show up to the party."

"Let's just skip to business. Blocks, territory, sets, and protection." I said, cutting to the chase.

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