The Truth: Part One

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      Being away from my mother left me in a panic, but I had to be strong for my brothers. Child services held us in their office 'til they were able to find us an emergency foster home, not too far from where we lived already. Our original case worker had a look of satisfaction when she sent us off, as if she knew we were putting on a front all those visits she sat for.

     Not in the mood to argue, I held my tongue as we stayed with this biracial family. They tried everything in their power for me not to go along with my brothers, since I just turned eighteen. But it's unlawful to just throw my ass on the street like that. So 'til they find some type of assistance for me, I'm going to be glued to they ass. While my brothers were in school, I visited my mother.

     "You have to get me out of here, Skye, I don't fucking belong here."

     I cried through the glass as we talked on the phone. "I don't know what to do."

     "Where are your brothers?"

    I wiped my eyes on my sleeve. "School."

     "You need to move fast, before they start to separate y'all, then I'll really be in here for murder."

     "How did you know this was going to happen?"

     "There's a lot between your uncle, father, and I, that you don't know about."

      "Why would he do that shit to you? During it, you seemed a little hurt, but unaffected at the same time."

     "Look at my fucking face," she choked up tears as she pointed to her bruised face. "I look unaffected to you? I was raped in front of my children and you think I'm in a careless, forgiving, mood?"

      "I didn't mean it like that, Ma, I --"

      "No, just shut the fuck up and listen. Back when your father and I started dating, I was talking to your uncle first. Nothing serious, just someone to talk to whenever I felt like it. Always teasing him that he would get some, when I never had intentions of doing shit with him. Your father came in the picture and I forget who the hell your uncle was. He got very, very, jealous. Blowing up my phone, coming over my house, and making threats. Your father knew about all of this, told me he was diagnosed as bi-polar as a child. One day, I went to go visit your father, but he wasn't there, Markus was, and I caught him just about to take his medicine. When he saw me, he stopped right before he was going to take his pills, went all fatal attraction on me. Tried attacking me back then. Your father walked in at the right time, he fucked his ass up, and when I say that, I mean, he really fucked him up! This man had to spend three days in the hospital. After that, he acted right, he always had your father to help him out and got special treatment for his disease. So maybe I put this on all on me, maybe that's the expression you seen. I put the blame on me, for toying with him all those years ago."

     "But what made you think to try and leave the apartment when you did?"

     "I wasn't the first person he did this too, your father told me he was feening for this girl. It didn't end too good for her. The girl had belonged to one of your father's enemies, that tactic with the cops, he picked that up from your father. To keep the girl from coming after your uncle, your father planted the drugs after he raped that girl."

    "What the hell you mean he raped the girl?"

      "Skye, I'm just as dumbfounded about that as you. Who knows how many time he's went that far. Had I remembered that, I wouldn't be here, if I realized it sooner. Instead of saving his ass, he should have let him get killed."

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