Hold On

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All I could do was just hold the engagement ring in my hand. Thinking about the proposal in my head brought a tear to my eye, I'll never know what that outcome would have been like. Her mother snapped me out of my clouded thinking, cursing up a storm at me in Spanish. I looked upon her brother's faces, and the oldest had the coldest look on, the youngest leaned against his mother's side, shedding tears. We've been in there for 4 hours with no word. When the doctors did come out, it was still no good news.

"How's my baby, is she going to be okay?"

"Well, ma'am, here's an MRI of the damage. The first bullet entered through her chest and tore through her diaphragm, shrapnel of the bullet punctured her lung, and exited out her back. The second one passed through her shoulder and actually hit a major vein, if she did not get here when she did, your daughter would not have made it. We performed two blood transfusions due to her blood loss. That bullet actually exited out through her back. Right now our main concern is her waking up, she hasn't come to yet. When she does she'll need to go through therapy to get her back to normal. You may see her in a few."

The family went first to see her respectfully, no need in her mother carrying on a scene by her bedside with me in there. But they stayed for a whole two hours visiting, I was tired of waiting for my turn. By the time I walked in, they were walking out. Skye looked peaceful, I broke down seeing her. I told her plenty of times I didn't want something like this to happen because of me, we were almost home free of any of this kind of bullshit. I'm lost on what to do next, I don't know when she'll wake up.

Day after day, I waited, times when her mother would come I would leave not wanting to hear her mouth. By the time I would return she would leave, we never exchanged words.
"Damn, man, don't worry about a thing we going to find this nigga. If the law catches him before we do, then I know some people that will cut his lights out in the pen for you." Rock said.

"Anything you need us to do?" Taraji asked.
After telling everybody the news, they both came out to support me. I really needed the company.

"Y'all already did enough."

"We family, man, it's written in stone. We always going to be here for you, anything you need let us know."

"Let's pray." Taraji suggested, as we gathered hands around Skye. "Father, we pray that you guide Skye through this difficult transition back here with us. Grant her the strength she needs to find her way back into her family's loving arms. Father, we ask that you continue to watch over all of us, for the road seems dark but we know through you it will always be light. Amen."

"Amen." We said.

They stayed for awhile, but soon after they left. It was my baby and I all alone again, I cupped her hand in to mine and made some confessions. "That night, at the hotel. When you walked into the bathroom to see if I was alright taking my pain killers, I wasn't. I had another nightmare. It's like God was trying to tell me this was going to happen, I seen this shit happening and I couldn't stop it. My biggest concern was De Paul, little did I know that I had to lookout for Lancer too. I'm sorry, I put you here. Lancer wouldn't have known shit about you if we weren't together selling him lean." I broke down once more.

I sobbed over her bed, wanting to hear her voice again, as I held tight to her hand I felt her squeeze my hand. In an instant, I looked up, yet, she was still unresponsive. I begged for hours that she would do it again, I asked the nurse and she said it was just involuntary movements.

Everyday, for the past two weeks I returned to the hospital to see Skye, telling her about all our times together and the new memories waiting. I brought food that we ate hoping the aroma would wake her, I placed the ring on her finger for a moment hoping that would spark something. But I removed it and placed it back in my pocket so her mother wouldn't see it. I did everything I could and said everything I could to get her to wake up.

But to no avail, my prayers went unanswered. I kissed her goodnight and retired back to my hotel, I felt depressed and took a little longer than usual to get up. It took so long for me to get up that I didn't even bother getting up to go to the hospital. It finally set in that this is my reality and the only girl that I'm head over heels for is not waking up. I took a day to myself to just sleep in, I had no energy to face my reality today. I promise myself that tomorrow is a new day and a new hope to think about.

Making my daily usual way to her room, I walked in to see its been empty. I calmed myself down thinking maybe I was just trippin' and they moved her to a different room. But when I asked they said she was gone.

"What the fuck do you mean she's gone?"

"Sir, she woke up yesterday morning. Her mother checked her out this morning and transferred her to a different hospital."

"Was she okay? Did she say anything about me?"

"Well it's going to take some rehabilitation, but she will be okay, her mother didn't want to wait another day she had all her paperwork faxed to California. Under patient confidentiality, I can't tell you anything else. Her mother actually made it strict that I don't. But to answer your other question, no, sir, she didn't say a word to me about you."

"Son of a bitch! That woman so-! Thank you." Man I was hotter than the devil dick leaving that hospital, I ran by her apartment to see if she was really gone and after banging on her door getting no reply her landlord stated they haven't been here in a week. They must have been sleeping out of a hotel like myself. I couldn't believe this shit right now. No address, no street name, I can't even fucking remember the college name! That's it. I lose. I'll tear up coast to mothafuckin' coast if I have to just to find her, this shit is far from over yet.

To be continued...

Please check out Book 2 Skye's Limit: Aftermath

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