The Pros and Cons of The 21st Century

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Peggy awoke that morning from yet another episodic dream. This one of the time she and Edwin Jarvis had scoured the streets of New York, in search of an old flame of Howard Stark (well, flame probably isn't the correct word, given his vast sexual history).

Often, her dreams stemmed from old memories of life in the 1940's. Even though her life with the Avengers and modern technology was great, Peggy sometimes found herself missing the simpler days. Back when she was just an SSR agent and not a Super Soldier.

Sometimes, she dreamt of Steve. Lovely, caring, kind, Steve. How he'd been the subject for the Ereksine serum trials, not her. And she often wondered if they could've been something together, but those thoughts were quickly quashed at the definitive realisation that Steve was completely and utterly in love with his best friend Bucky.

Peggy hoped they'd ended up happy together.

Natasha Romanoff was one of the pros of living in the 21st century. They'd met two years ago, introduced on a SHIELD helicarrier a mere day before the historic Battle of New York commenced. She was witty, smart, and best of all a damned good fighter.

"I don't want to hurt you, Agent Romanoff." Peggy spoke, tilting her head in mockery and bracing her fists.

Across the ring, Natasha smirked and braced her fists as well. "I wouldn't stress about that."

To Peggy's momentary surprise, Natasha sprung across the ring like a gazelle, pushing off one of the robust pillars and driving her foot into her back. It was powerful enough to have her stumbling forward. The redhead skillfully flipped backwards and landed in her familiar 'Black Widow' pose, leg extended and arm raised.

"Such a poser." Peggy taunted, before brushing her hair out of her face and returning to her fighting stance.

Peggy would also argue that Maria Hill was another pro of living in 2014. They'd met a couple hours after Peggy was introduced to all the Avengers, having both stepped outside to prepare themselves mentally for the inevitable battle.

"Oh, I'm sorry." Peggy apologised as she noticed another woman leaning against the railing. "I didn't realise anyone was out here. I'll let you-"

"No no, it's fine. Pleasure to finally meet you, Captain Carter." She replied and stuck out her hand. "Maria Hill, Deputy Commander."

"Nice to meet you, too." Peggy nodded, shaking her hand.

"So. Did you meet the dream team yet?"

"I did, yes. Stark seems like a bit of a wanker, but then again, so was his father back in the day."

Maria chuckled and nodded slightly. "That's Tony. Did you meet Natasha too?"

"Black Widow? Yes, if I'm being totally honest, she's very intimidating."

"Oh no, don't fall for that." Maria smiled, turning to look at her. "Natasha's always been a huge fan of Captain Carter, she's just acting all cool in front of you so she won't make an ass of herself."

A sudden grunt behind them prompted both women to turn around and see the aforementioned agent standing in the doorway with a frown.

"You ass! You didn't need to tell her that!"

And while Peggy would miss the years full of American diners and Chevrolets, she was happy where she was now, present day.

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