You Can Call An Apple?

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"You can call an apple?"

Natasha let out a hearty laugh as Dottie's head tilted in confusion. She'd decided to take Dottie out into the world, for real this time, and introduce her to the basics of modern society. They wore simple hoodies and jeans, in case Natasha was recognised by insufferable paparazzi, and Dottie took a mental note of how comfortable 2015 clothes are in comparison to 1948 clothes. Seriously, when Natasha chucked a pair of fleece pyjamas at her the first night she stayed at Stark Tower, she nearly fell asleep right then and there on the floor.

"No no, the phone company is called Apple."


"And they're portable now, hence the name MOBILE phone." She explained, holding up the newest model of iPhone. Dottie tapped its screen with curiosity.

"Oh, yeah, I knew that. A girl in the red room explained them to me when I saw Dreykov holding one, Yelena I think."

"Yelena? Yelena Belova?"

"That's her. Did you know her?"

Natasha smiled genuinely and turned to Dottie. "She's my sister."


"No no, don't worry. She's the sister who helped me take the Red Room down. I've mentioned her a couple times, I believe."

"Yes you did. I just never assumed that she would be YOUR sister. Yelena was so funny!" Dottie joked, earning her a shove to the shoulder as they purchased the phone. They left the store and ended up deciding to drive back to Stark Tower, seemingly finished with learning about 21st century culture. She sat in shotgun, hands in her lap as she took in the interior of the car.

"Is this yours?" She asked, gesturing to the vehicle.

"No. Mine was blown up by an assassin a month or two ago, actually." Natasha snickered.

"Yeah, sorry about that."

"It's not your fault. You were quite literally under someone else's control, Dot."

"I know. It's kind of hard to believe the Red Room has been active for so long. Why hadn't anyone taken them down decades ago?"

"Dreykov is one slippery motherfucker, I can tell you that." Natasha quipped.

She'd pulled into Stark Tower and they were now walking into the downstairs lobby together.

"But I made sure he was dead this time. There's no chance of it ever making a comeback."

They took the elevator to the top floor and walked out of it to find Thor laughing greatly at Clint on the floor, Mjolnir pinning his body to the ground. He struggled underneath it and groaned, seemingly giving up and handing Thor an M'n'M candy bar.

"I yield! Take the chocolate!" He cried out and sighed with relief as Thor summoned the hammer back into his hand, using the other to happily eat his candy bar.

"Looks like you guys have been very productive while we've been away." Natasha nodded. "Where's Peggy?"

"Judging a fight between Maria and Tony in the gym." Clint panted.

"Lady Maria seemed to be defeating him when I was there."

"Of course she is." Natasha scoffed and they made their way into the gym.

Clint and Thor were correct. In the centre ring, Tony and Maria fought as Peggy sat on the bench opposite, judging their moves. He attempted a right hook but his fist was immediately caught and twisted behind his back. Maria used one foot to take out his legs and she quickly had him pinned to the mat, wriggling beneath her grip.

"7-0 to Maria!" Peggy nodded, marking the seventh line on the whiteboard.

"This blows, I don't have secret agent training or superhuman serum in my blood!" Tony whined, standing up to take a drink.

"Super Soldier Serum." Peggy and Dottie corrected simultaneously.

"I have a terrific idea!" Tony cried out, pointing at them both with a gasp. "The two Super Ladies should fight!"

"Call me that again Stark and I swear to God-"

"I'm up for it." Dottie shrugged. Peggy's brow raised in challenge as her opponent pulled off the hoodie and climbed into the ring.

"Sure you want to do that, Underwood?" She taunted, climbing in as well. "Last two times we fought I pushed you out of a window the first and then had you tied up over my shoulder the second."

"But who had you falling to the floor just by kissing you?" Dottie smirked, bracing her fists.

"Wait what?" Tony's head whipped around.

"You two kissed?" Natasha nearly gasped.

"In the 1940s?" Maria's brows furrowed.

"Oh please, you were wearing my knock-out lipstick!" Peggy scoffed.

"Excuses, excuses. Now are we going to fight or keep talking like a bunch of-"

Her sentence was cut short by Peggy suddenly lunging across the ring, landing a punch across the jaw. Dottie recoiled and gripped her wrists, pulling Peggy's arms forward and simultaneously kicking inwards at the back of her knees. This caused Peggy to fall forward and Dottie leaped over her back, pushing her head into the mat and incapacitating her against the floor.

"1-0 to Dottie!" Maria called, swiping one mark across the whiteboard.

Before she could boast obnoxiously and infuriate Peggy, Dottie nearly yelled out a curse when she suddenly twisted herself around and drove her elbows into her abdomen. It was powerful enough to push her off and Peggy jumped back to her feet, using one arm to push her torso straight into the floor and the other to pin her arms above her head. She could sense Dottie about to use her legs to kick upwards and free herself, so Peggy straddled her thighs and planted herself down with a smirk.


Tony leaned over to Natasha and spoke quietly as the fight continued.

"They've kissed?" He asked.

"Apparently so." She nodded.

"Was it for a mission or just for fun-"

"How would I know?"

"You're Peggy's best friend, how do you not?"

"2-1 to Dottie!" Maria called, making them both turn back to the ring and see Dottie straddled atop her stomach, above her midriff and dangerously close to her heaving chest.

"Oh those two are so fucking each other."

"Tony!" Natasha chided, hitting his shoulder.

"Look at them! They look ready to rip each others clothes off!"

"I know, but I don't wanna hear that." She shook her head and watched as Dottie celebrated victory again.

She had Peggy pinned on her stomach this time, one hand twisted up in Dottie's grasp and her other held against her back. Dottie leaned down to whisper in her ear.

"Aw, is Captain Carter afraid she's not as good as me?"

"I'll always be better than you, Underwood. In everything."

"I bet I can prove you wrong." Dottie chuckled lowly, reaching down to bite her earlobe and finally letting her go. She stood up and high-fived Maria whilst grabbing her water.

Peggy cracked her neck and climbed back out of the ring, ignoring Natasha and Tony's eyeful looks.

"Don't even think about it." 

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