Definitely Softer Than Last Time

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"How're you feeling, Dot?" Natasha asked, watching from the camera planted in her clothes as Dottie took a sip of whiskey.

"Gotta say, I'm loving this suit." She nodded, straightening her tie. "It's much more comfortable than wrap-around dresses."

"Cheers, Underwood." Peggy chimed in. Her wrap-around dress was also fitted with a camera that Natasha could monitor the mission from.

"No fighting ladies." Maria spoke over comms. "The target is moving towards the bar now, you need to initiate contact, Carter. When Peggy gets him out of the building, it's your job to take out his bodyguards, Dottie. Clear?"


"Of course."

Dottie watched from her position beside the bar as the target, Dmitri Vostonkova, an arms dealer currently in the process of illegally selling Stark weapons to terrorist organisations, ordered a bourbon. She took another sip from her own drink and eyed Peggy as she leaned over the bar next to him, prompting him to start conversation with the beautiful woman. The blonde chuckled inwardly as he took the bait, Peggy using her arms to push her breasts together and make them more prominent than before, and gestured towards the exit. As she took his arm, she threw Dottie a sideward glance and she placed the empty glass back on the bar, subtly following them out. Once they reached the double doors, his bodyguards noticed Dottie following them and turned to confront her.

It was laughable; while the men were conventionally tall and big, she was taller and bigger.

Vostonkova didn't even notice when Dottie put a bullet through both their foreheads, too busy ogling Peggy's chest as she stepped closer to him.

Dottie watched with a smile through the glass doors as Vostonkova reached down to grab her ass and was instead met with one of Peggy's hands iron-gripping both of his arms, the other administering him with one of Natasha's widow bites and knocking him out.

He fell to the ground and Dottie sheathed her gun in her pocket while walking out of the exit as Peggy swung the man over her shoulder.

"Well done, ladies." Natasha spoke, smile evident in her tone.

"There's a car round back, deposit him in the trunk and drive him down to HQ. We'll be waiting." Maria said too, a smile also evident in her tone.

Dottie started the car as Peggy shoved the criminal into the trunk and climbed into the front seat. They drove in silence for a while, switching off the cameras in their respective tie and dress, before Peggy spoke first.

"Did you take care of the bodyguards?"

"I did. They're bleeding out in the entryway of the building as we speak."

"And did you make sure CCTV didn't see your face?"

"Christ, Peggy, I'm not a child. Yes, I made sure security won't identify me."

"I'm sorry. I just... it's your first mission with modern technology watching you 24/7."

"What is up with that, by the way? Cameras monitoring you everywhere you go? How creepy."

Peggy nodded with a chuckle. "I had the same reaction. You get used to it."

"Woah, not 21st century slander I'm hearing, Underwood." Natasha fake-gasped over comms. "I thought I taught you better than that."

"Sorry, Romanoff. I'm just glad I wasn't the one with a camera hidden right below my cleavage."

"Hey!" Peggy frowned.

"I didn't want that asshole or any other men staring at them, that's why I chose a suit! They're for my eyes, Rosa Diaz's or nobody's." Dottie joked.

Natasha gasped, for real this time. "You finally watched Brooklyn 99!"

"I did indeed. She's definitely my favourite character."

"I wonder why, Underwood."

"Shut up, lesbian."

"Make me, lesbian."

"I like Terry most, to be honest." Peggy chimed in.

"Terry? Why?"

"He's funny and responsible."

"Oh so your polar opposite?" Natasha snickered.

"Bugger off, Romanoff." Peggy laughed and disconnected their comms, taking out her earpiece as Dottie followed suit. As they pulled into the HQ parking lot, Peggy finally spoke up again.

"You're a lesbian?"

Dottie's brows lifted in amusement and she turned to Peggy with a smirk. "You couldn't tell?"

"I-I mean... well, when you-"

"When I kissed you in 1946? Yeah, I didn't need to knock you out, I could've just stabbed you whilst we hugged. I had ulterior motives, Agent Carter." Dottie answered, so honestly that it stunned Peggy into silence.

The blonde smirked once again and hopped out of the car, opening the trunk so a few agents could drag the unconscious criminal inside for questioning. She got back in the car and drove not in silence but with the radio playing pop music. A few Taylor Swift songs later, they arrived back at Stark Tower and found it quiet and empty, since it was late and everybody was probably in bed. Dottie stripped off the suit, replacing it with a t-shirt she stole from Thor (therefore it was ginormous on her), and was about to pull on a pair of tartan pants Natasha gave her when she heard a knock at her bedroom door. She opened it to see Peggy in the doorway, dressed in similar sleep attire and a look of confusion on her face.

"What do you mean you had 'ulterior motives'?"

"What are you talk-"

"Earlier, in the car, you said you kissed me in 1946 because you had 'ulterior motives'. What were they?"

"Isn't it obvious?" Dottie quipped, trying not to laugh.

"No, it is not bloody obvious!" Peggy whisper-yelled, trying not to wake anyone else in the tower. "That's why I'm asking."

"You were, at the time, the infamous Agent Carter. A dangerous beauty who could knock out ten men without messing up her hair or smearing her lipstick. Even before the serum and the titular Captain Carter, you were a rarity. Why the hell wouldn't I want to kiss you?"

Peggy fell silent again and swallowed at the tension growing between the two.

"Look, I don't-"

Dottie was cut off by Peggy's lips pressed against hers.

She froze for a moment, taken aback by the sudden movement, before realising what had happened and leaning into it, her eyes fluttering shut. Peggy gently cupped her cheeks as Dottie held her waist, pressing their bodies together. Their mouths moved slowly and sensually together, and Dottie had to suppress a moan when she felt Peggy's tongue massaging her own at a slow pace. They kissed with a certain carnal hunger, like this was what they'd needed after all these years. Dottie felt a twang of arousal shoot through her core and she realised those were definitely not the kind of butterflies the romance movies Natasha made her watch meant.

Finally, when both women needed air, they pulled away slowly and stared into each others eyes.

"How was that?" Peggy whispered, hands dropping to Dottie's clavicle.

"Definitely softer than last time."

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