Red Room Lesbians

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"Did they really never make you watch Snow White?" Dottie asked, wiping mayo off her chin.

They were sitting inside of an empty McDonalds with one worker practically falling asleep at the register. It was around 2AM when Natasha had suggested they go get burgers, so the restaurant was empty aside from the aforementioned three. The two Avengers sat at a back table, food all laid out, much to Dottie's excitement. Food was 100 times better in 2015 than 1948.

"No, never." Natasha replied, garbled through the cheeseburger she was still chewing. "We were made to listen to repeated phrases hidden underneath static, though. And the widows after I escaped were simply given a chemical agent that gave Dreykov full control over their actions. It's the red fluid he injected you with, I presume."

She nodded knowingly and finished her fries, before speaking again. "No handcuffs on the bed?"

"Actually, yes. But only for a short while. Once I was around 8 years old, they simply moved us into rooms that had motion sensing floors. If you tried to leave your bed even one minute before 5AM, it would zap you with electricity. I learned that the hard way."

"I think I would have preferred taser floors, if I'm being honest."


"Handcuffing yourself to the bed is a hard habit to break once you've done it 18 years of your life."

"Oh. I never really thought about it like that." Natasha said a bit sadly.

"Don't worry, I've learned to deal with it." Dottie waved her off. "Handcuffs aren't really that hard to find nowadays, what with society being so sex positive now."

Natasha choked on her burger, causing them both to laugh. "I can't believe that sentence just left your mouth."

"What? It's true." Dottie said through involuntary giggles. "I bought them from a store called Pulse Raiser: The Adult Toy Store."

"You actually went to a sex shop?!"

"Where else was I supposed to find handcuffs?"

Natasha and Dottie couldn't stop laughing as she recalled seeing a gimp mask and thinking it was a suit of armor at first glance.

"So, in your day, you never... had sex or anything?"

"I did, but not in the way you think. I mean, I went through with the Red Room graduation ceremony, as you're familiar with. Then if I was on missions that required seducing a man, I'd get as far as taking off my shirt before carrying out the objective. Men are so vulnerable the minute a pair of boobs come into play, I swear."

"Very true." Natasha agreed, clinking their cups together. "I never slept with them either."

"It's not like I ever wanted to, anyway. They were always middle-aged, balding, fat men with too much money on their hands and too big of an ego that they thought I'd fuck them."

Dottie paused before saying her next words, a little fearful of Natasha's reaction at first before realising she was now in the 21st century and nobody gave a shit anymore.

"Plus, I was always much more interested in their wives."

The redhead turned to the blonde with a knowing smirk. "I feel you, Dot."

She raised her soda cup. "Red Room Lesbians."

Dottie clinked them together, nodding. "Red Room Lesbians."

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