Your Basement Smells Like Feet

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A/N: Trigger Warning for torture, needles, mind-control, brainwashing etc.

Dottie had to admit; she hadn't seen the attack coming. One minute, she was stood at the counter talking to Natasha about last night's events and complimenting her with a wink. And the next, the kitchen windows shattered and Dottie was dragged to the floor as someone stuck a needle in her neck. The last thing she saw before falling unconscious was Natasha fighting three masked soldiers, head on.

When she awoke, the first thing Dottie picked up on was the smell. It was horrendous, and she'd never smelt anything like it.

She went to voice her disgust but was subsequently silenced by the roll of tape stuck to her mouth. She was stood on a platform inside a dingy basement. Her arms were strung out and held down by what looked like hydraulic presses, her legs were chained to the floor, and her abdomen was restrained by a thick, lead belt. Someone had stripped her of the pyjamas she'd been wearing previously and Dottie felt a little exposed in only her underwear and a bra.

Using all her leverage, Dottie tried to pull her arms out of the presses but immediately stopped when it hissed to life and clamped down on her hands painfully.

She yelled out involuntarily but it was muffled underneath the tape.

"There is no use in struggling, Widow."

A dark, unyielding voice spoke from behind the cover of darkness. The only light source in the room was a dim light above the hydraulic presses, probably indicators for if the machine was on or off. Dottie blinked and watched as the source of the voice emerged menacingly.

He was maybe 30-40ish, with a stocky build and a long scar that ran across his cheek and up to his eye. Her captor approached her restrained body and trailed a finger across her tensed biceps.

"Such a shame, this powerful and dangerous weapon used by the Avengers. But they're not so innocent, you see." He drawled, his hand moving down her sides and falling to her stomach. Dottie felt a wave of sickness wash over her when he inched closer to the waistband of her underwear but he then stopped and stared up at her.

"You're wondering who I am?"

She gave no indication of an answer.

"You see, Miss Underwood..." The man pulled a chair out from the darkness and took a seat in front of her. "SHIELD thinks they're so clever and so fast, they believe the organisation was put to rest long ago. But HYDRA has other plans, and you already knew that."

Dottie had put two and two together, but she was praying she was wrong.

"Did you really think Leviathan was just going to forget about you?"

She closed her eyes and sucked in a breath at the revelation, ignoring his devilish smirk.

"No no, we weren't just going to let our super soldier go, Dorothy." He tilted his head in a taunting manner. "Dorothy Underwood. That's the only name you remember having, isn't it? You want to know your real name? The one your mother gave you before we put a bullet in her head?"

"What? Cat got your tongue?" He smiled and his eyes raked over her body once again. Her captor stood up and slowly peeled the tape from her mouth, letting her speak.

"твой подвал пахнет ногами." She panted, before spitting in his face with disgust.

The man wiped it away with his gloved hand and gripped her throat with the other, squeezing tightly around her trachea.

"Не испытывай мое терпение, сука."

He let her go and silently stalked over to the back of the room, flicking a light switch to reveal the room was a rudimentary lab of some kind. The captor snatched a glass vial of red liquid and a needle and distributed a dose of it into the syringe, turning to Dottie.

"Your real name is Ekaterina Petrov Alkimovich."

The man stepped up onto the stand she was chained to and carelessly stuck the needle through her neck. She winced in pain and her eyes scrunched close as the liquid coursed through her veins, latching onto the serum already pumping through her limbs and taking affect.

She wanted to scream at the familiarity.

Her consciousness was pushed back, further and further, into the recesses of her mind.

The TV screen.

She couldn't move.

She was watching her movements from the depths of her subconscious.

She tried to scream, to writhe around, to lash out, but nothing was working.

Her captor moved back as she opened her eyes slowly, the irises now a dark black, and he smiled victoriously.

"Теперь ты под моим контролем."

"Теперь я под вашим контролем." She repeated, tone flat and devoid of any emotion. "Каковы ваши команды?"

The man revelled in his success and pushed a button to the side of the hydraulic presses, releasing her hands, unlocking her feet from the ground, and unchaining the belt around her waist. She balled her fists and stared down at her commander, awaiting an answer.

"You are going to kill Captain Carter and anyone who gets in your way. Do you understand?"

Ekaterina was alive. She was the Super Soldier under HYDRA's control. She was the Red Widow. She was the one destined to assassinate Captain Carter.

"I am going to kill Captain Carter and anyone who gets in my way."

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