A Healthy Dose of Prolonged Eye Contact

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Dottie stood in front of the closed door, staring in wide-eyed shock as Maria slipped out of Natasha's bedroom door, turned and froze when they made eye contact.

"Agent Hill?" She queried, brow furrowed.

"Underwood?" Maria asked back.

It was clear what'd been going on inside that bedroom. Her hair was dishevelled, her shirt was buttoned up wrong, her neck was brandished with an incriminating love bite here and there. Maria squirmed under Dottie's watchful eye and opened her mouth to say something, when another door opening interrupted them.

"Bruce? We thought you were off-world?"

The man's head whipped around at Maria's voice and he froze in front of Thor's bedroom door. He looked between the two women and awkwardly shifted on the spot, subtly trying to cover himself up more.

"H-hey, guys- girls, um, girls! I just... we- I got back yesterday morning." He stammered awkwardly.

This was so uncomfortable, for every single person.

And to make matters worse, Clint stumbled out of his bedroom. He was rubbing his eyes as he stepped out, with stuck-up sleep hair and spongebob pyjamas on, and when he finally saw what was unfolding in front of him, he sighed.

"You're all terrible at covering up your relationships anyway."

"Hey, what-" Maria went to speak before he dismissively waved a hand around.

"Oh please, I caught you and Natasha doing it on your desk once when I was skulking through the vents and unfortunately happened to be in yours at the time." He turned to Bruce with a raised brow. "Besides the fact that I was walking past the lab and saw you and thunderboy way too close for comfort a week ago, it's clear as day you've been in love with Thor for ages."

"And you?" He nearly laughed, pointing at Dottie. "Not only are you currently stood outside of her bedroom, but you and Peggy are so loud and so obvious with each other."


"Oh that's true, we saw you two in the kitchen that one time." Maria nodded along with Clint.

"And you and Natasha haven't been obvious either?" Dottie deflected. "I saw you guys having sex on the lab countertop on Nat's birthday!"

Bruce grimaced in disgust at the thought of his workplace being defiled, before another door opened. 

Natasha stepped out with a grumpy look on her face and only a pair of panties on. Dottie turned to the door out of politeness as Bruce immediately covered his eyes with his hands, while Clint groaned audibly and tried to cover her up with his hands.

"Nat, come on!"

"You guys are being so loud." She seethed, seemingly unbothered by her exposed chest. "Let us sleep."

With that, she grabbed Maria's hand and dragged her back into the bedroom, slamming the door shut. Bruce silently cowered back into Thor's room and Clint shrugged, heading into the kitchen for some cereal. Dottie shook her head in disbelief and simply headed over to her own bedroom in stunned silence.

What a fun breakfast conversation this is going to be...

Breakfast was never an option, however, when Peggy finally awoke to loud noises downstairs. She stumbled tiredly into the kitchen, ready to lay into whoever started all the nonsense. Before she could, though, her attention was drawn to the broken glass, overturned furniture and small patches of blood dotted around.

"Peg!" Natasha sighed, finally noticing her.

"What the bloody hell is going on?"

"Peg, it's Dottie." Maria spoke, running a hand through her hair in shock. Clint was surveying their surroundings as Tony was screaming into a phone, Thor was conversing with Dr Cho and Bruce was nowhere to be seen.

"What? What's happened to her?"

"Somebody bust in through the windows and..."

"What? What happened, speak!" She demanded, already dreading an answer.

"She's been taken."

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