Is This Your Idea of Movie Night?

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They get back from the mission unscathed.

Of course they did, they're the Avengers. Come on!

Dottie was sitting on her bed, flipping through a book in her pyjamas, when she heard soft knocking on her door.

"It's open."

She wasn't surprised when it opened to reveal Peggy in the doorway, holding a bag of popcorn in one hand and a bottle of vodka in the other. Dottie couldn't help but laugh at the unusual sight.

"Is this your idea of a movie night?" She asked, before gesturing to the bed. "If so, get in here."

Peggy smiled widely and joined her on the bed, opening the popcorn as Dottie switched on the TV. They eventually settled on The Craft, since Dottie had been dying to watch it since Natasha drunkenly explained the plot to her one night.

They settled back on the pillows as the movie started up. Dottie sat against the headboard as Peggy lay between her legs, head resting on her chest.

The night was filled with jokes about certain characters, fighting over popcorn and swigging the vodka straight from the bottle, since Peggy forgot to grab glasses of any kind.

At some point, rain started to pour outside and it created a calm, chilled atmosphere inside the bedroom. Peggy turned in Dottie's arms, chin resting atop her stomach and Dottie's hands moved to stroke her hair softly.

"What's wrong?" She asked.

"W...What is this?" Peggy seemed almost shy as she gestured between the two.

"It's not really anything at the moment, I guess."

"Do you want it to be anything?"

"When I was under the Red Room's control, I never had any dreams or wonders about what my life could've been like. How everything would've played out if I hadn't been kidnapped from the orphanage in Russia. Would I have lived a normal life in the 1940's, with a husband and two kids? I'm not sure." Dottie shrugged. "I don't know what I want."

She brought her hands down to cup Peggy's cheeks softly. "All I know is that I really like you, Peg."

Peggy smiled up at her, trying not to let her see the tears forming in her eyes, and pressed their lips together. She shifted in her lap and rubbed her hands up and down Dottie's sides, kissing her slowly to try and show her how she felt, too.

Dottie rolled them over gently, situating herself between Peggy's legs and reaching down to pull off her shirt and pants. She leaned down and placed soft kisses on her throat, between the valley of her breasts, down her stomach...

"Darling, please." Peggy whined quietly, very aware of the fact that Clint's room was one room over.

"What do you want? Want me to take this off?" Dottie teased, snapping the waistband of her panties against her skin.

Peggy nodded enthusiastically and Dottie smirked, ripping them away and throwing them blindly over her shoulder. She leaned down and sucked Peggy's clit in her mouth, humming against her and sending vibrations through her entire body.

Dottie lifted Peggy's legs over her shoulders, hands gripping her thighs as she quickened the pace and pressure of her tongue.

Peggy struggled to silence her moans and grunts, eventually having to clamp a hand over her mouth when Dottie brought two fingers into the mix and it drove her to climax. The wetness gushed out of her as she bit down on the skin of her palm, almost breaking skin. Dottie climbed back up her body and gave her the knowing smirk;

Neither of us are tired yet.

She giggled excitedly when Peggy rolled them over and tugged at her clothes. This was going to go on for hours...

The next morning, Natasha needed to borrow one of Dottie's candles to prove Clint wrong in an argument, and she knocked on her door a few times. When Dottie didn't respond after calling her name too, she shrugged and opened the door.

Natasha didn't expect to see Dottie being spooned by Peggy as they slept, comforter covering their bodies. Where Dottie would usually have her arm extended and wrist cuffed to the headboard, her arm was still extended but her hand was instead entwined with Peggy's, fingers laced together.

"That is the most adorable shit I've ever seen." She whispered to herself, before swiping one of the candles off the side and exiting the room.

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