The Red Room's Return

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Something pushed her arm.

"Hey, Peg!"

"C'mon Carter, up and at 'em."

Something pushed her arm again.

Peggy opened her eyes, only for them to involuntarily close due to the sunlight directly invading them. She groaned dramatically and sat up, rubbing the sleep away from her eyes. Natasha simply smirked as Maria chugged back a glass of water.

"I thought you couldn't get drunk?" Natasha queeried, tilting her head in confusion.

Chuckling to herself, Peggy finally took in her surroundings. They were still in Tony's living room after the rager he threw last night, evidenced by the bottles of liquor scattered everywhere. The host himself was draped across the back of the sofa, somehow with his pants on his head, exposing his Spongebob boxers. Thor and Bruce had somehow managed to fall asleep spooning on the bartop, whilst Clint was flat out on the dining table. The only person asleep in a somewhat normal position was Dr Helen Cho, who'd curled up on the beanbag covered by her own jacket.

Peggy looked down and realised she herself had managed to pass out on the floor, blanketed with a US Flag stolen from the downstairs lobby. She pushed it off in feigned disgust and scratched the back of her forehead.

"It wasn't the alcohol, more the exhaust, darling." She spoke, standing up and stretching. "Doesn't mean I don't fancy a coffee to get rid of the burning in my throat."

"I'm good to drive." Natasha nodded, standing up too. "Maria!"

An extremely hungover Maria Hill flinched at her volume and groaned as she covered her ears. "Quieter, please!"

She looked down at her clothes and realised she was currently sat on the glass coffee table. "Where the hell are my pants?"

"Aren't they on you right now?" Natasha raised an eyebrow.

"These are NOT my jeans." She emphasised, standing up to reveal they were two sizes too big, bagging around the feet. "What-"

Peggy chuckled at the sudden memory. "You and Tony were dared to swap an article of clothing. After refusing to take off your shirt around everyone, you settled on swapping pants. But apparently," she paused to point at the snoring superhero. "He passed out before getting to put them on... well put them on his LEGS."

Natasha began to giggle too as Maria shuffled over, snatching the jeans off his head, prompting a sleepy sniffle out of Tony, before he resumed his slumber. She pulled off her current pants and threw them across his chest, slipping on her own.

Looking over at the redhead, Peggy noticed the subtle way Natasha's eyes lingered on Maria's bare legs for a second too long. She raised an eyebrow but turned away before Natasha could catch on that she'd seen.

I'll have to ask her about that later... she thought to herself.

"Anyways!" Natasha coughed. "We're getting coffee, want to come with?"

"You fucking saint, yes!" Maria smiled, grabbing her face and giving her a big, wet kiss on the cheek. Peggy sucked in her lips to refrain from laughing at the blush that immediately rose on her cheeks as Maria strode over to the elevator.

"Shut up." The redhead chuckled, walking over with Peggy.

They all loaded into Natasha's SUV downstairs, Nat in the driver's seat, Maria in shotgun and Peggy in the middle of the backseat. She was currently giggling to herself at the videos and photos from last night saved on her phone.

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